"That's right. Before Yurou disappeared, he had a lot of contacts with you, so Leng Xuan wanted to ask you some questions." Su Zhenggang replied.

   "Didn't I explain everything I knew last time?" Roland said. "Miss Luo, it's about Yurou's safety, so I have to trouble you." After speaking, Leng Xuan made a cup of tea and delivered it to Roland, then continued, "Miss Luo, when Yurou was with you, she behaved well. Is there something wrong? Or...have you said anything strange?" Roland said, "It's okay, she wasn't in a high mood during that time anyway. I saw that she was in a bad mood, so I walked with her. After a few days in the street, I tried to ease her mood, but the effect was not very good. I asked her why, but she refused to tell me. At that time, I jokingly asked her if you were broken up, but she said a word. I didn't say anything, as if I really fell in love."

"Later, I was more worried about her, so whenever I was free, I went to her house to accompany her. The day before she disappeared, I met her once, but she didn't mention anything to me." , Leng Xuan said: "Miss Luo, please recall carefully, for example... When you went to her house, did you see..." Before he could finish his words, he heard Roland say: "By the way. , I almost forgot one thing. One day, when I went to her house to find her, I found her sitting in the living room to surf the Internet. When she saw me, she put her notebook on the coffee table and got up to make tea. I looked at the screen a few times and found that she was checking the map online, but I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, so I forgot to mention it to Minister Su later."

   "You said you saw the map, do you know where the map is?" Leng Xuan asked eagerly. "This..." Roland was a little confused, "I'm sorry, I really can't remember. I just glanced at it at random and didn't look carefully."

  Su Zhenggang sighed helplessly, he thought he could find useful clues. "I have a solution." At this time, Leng Xuan, who had been thinking for a while, suddenly said.

   "What way?" Su Zhenggang was aroused by his inexplicable words. However, as soon as his words came out, Leng Xuan had already rushed out the door, leaving only one sentence: "Brother Su, I have left beforehand. If there is any news, I will contact you." After leaving the restaurant, Leng Xuan went up to He got out of the car and drove again to the community where Su Yurou lived. It didn't take long for the car to arrive at the community, and Leng Xuan walked quickly to the living room.

   When he came before, he clearly remembered that there was a notebook on the coffee table in the living room. Although Roland forgot the location marked on the map, as long as Su Yurou browsed the web page on the computer, there would definitely be a historical record. Connected to the power supply, turned on the notebook, and soon, with the system startup, Leng Xuan entered the main page. However, when he was just about to operate, a password box appeared on the computer. To enter the system, you must first enter the correct password.

  Leng Xuan can only use a computer. He doesn't know anything about such a simple crack, unless he is a computer expert like Cheng Guodong. However, at this moment, I have to contact Cheng Guodong to call him, and I don't know how much time it will take. "Password..." Leng Xuan thought to himself, thinking about various special numbers that might be used as passwords, such as birthdays.

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