"Big Brother Su, can you tell me about Yurou, have you found any clues?" Leng Xuan asked impatiently.

"No, I've been looking for it for half a year. I've used all the relationships and resources available at home, and I haven't gained anything at all. Yurou seems to have disappeared from the world. I'm worried about her..." After saying this, Su Zhenggang's eyes suddenly lit up. red light. Leng Xuan understood what he meant. Su Yurou had been missing for so long and there was no news at all. Anyone would think something happened to her, "Big Brother Su, you can rest assured, Yurou will be fine."

"how do you know?"

   "It's inconvenient for me to say some things, but I can assure you of this." Leng Xuan said. Su Yurou was not an ordinary person, she would not do something like her own short-sightedness. Moreover, Su Yurou is accompanied by Granny Feng, so there is absolutely no problem in terms of safety, "Big Brother Su, Yurou has been away for so long, why haven't you returned a single phone call?"

"No, if she contacts us, we don't have to worry so much." Su Zhenggang said, "To be honest, everyone in the family has given up. If you hadn't called me today, I would have... ah! You can talk about you. , everything is good, but this is not good. Since you are going to be away for so long, why don't you contact her? Even if you just call her, this kind of thing won't happen. "

  Leng Xuan smiled bitterly to himself, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't, there is no phone in the fairyland. Moreover, with so many things in the immortal world, he has no time to return to the mundane world. However, what Su Zhenggang said was right, all the blame was on him. If he served dim sum, this would not have happened.

   "Big Brother Su, before Yurou left, didn't you act a little wrong?" Leng Xuan asked. In order to find Su Yurou, he refused to let go of any clues. Su Zhenggang said: "In the two weeks before she left, I was too busy with work, so I didn't have time to meet her, and I didn't know everything about her very well." Speaking of which, he seemed to have thought of something, and re-examined Said: "By the way, she has been with one of her friends during that time, but... I have talked to her friend, and she can't provide any useful clues." Leng Xuan asked: "Who is that person? Who, is it convenient to take me to see her?"

   "I'll make a call to arrange it." With that said, Su Zhenggang took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. After explaining a few words to the person on the other end of the phone, he put down the phone and said, "I have already called someone to find her. If there is no problem, she will come over in an hour." Although it was said to be an hour, but forty In less than a minute, the door of the private room was pushed open from the outside. Immediately afterwards, a young girl walked in. "Xiaolan, it's hard for you, sit down." Su Zhenggang stood up and greeted, and then introduced to Leng Xuan: "This is Roland, the girl I just told you about."

   "Miss Luo, hello." Leng Xuan greeted him, "My name is Leng Xuan, I'm Brother Su and Yurou's friend."

   "You are Leng Xuan?" Roland looked up and down at Leng Xuan and said. "You know me?" Leng Xuan was quite surprised. Roland nodded and said, "Yurou often mentions you in front of me." After she finished speaking, she turned to Su Zhenggang and asked, "Minister Su, do you have anything to do with me?"

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