"He has a lot of good things on him, it's better to make me cheaper." Qin Ming looked at the demon emperor and said. The demon emperor nodded, indicating that there was no problem. However, Qin Ming searched Leng Xuan for a long time and could not find a useful treasure.

  I don't know how long it took, Leng Xuan finally woke up from the coma. Raising his head, he glanced at both sides, and saw that his hands and legs were bound by specially made chains, hanging in the air in a 'big' shape. With a wry smile, he simply gave up the attempt. The Demon Emperor will definitely not give him a chance to escape. Moreover, he has already felt that even the source power in his dantian has been shackled and cannot be used. In this way, he completely eliminated his thoughts of escaping. He was already prepared for his arrest. When he used the Xiling Mirror, he saw his own results. Therefore, when he went to rescue Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie, he found a place to bury the treasures in advance so that they would not fall into the hands of the demon emperor. Especially the Xiling Mirror, it is a rare treasure.

   Time passed, and it was about half a day before Leng Xuan heard the sound of the door opening behind him. Immediately afterwards, Qin Ming came over from behind him. "Leng Xuan, I can't imagine that you will have today." Looking at Leng Xuan who was hanging in the air, Qin Ming sneered. Leng Xuan glanced at him, didn't answer, just closed his eyes. "You have a personality, but I don't know how long you can hold on." As his voice fell, Leng Xuan only felt a sharp pain in his body. He opened his mouth, and blood suddenly spit out from his mouth. Although he didn't open his eyes, he already felt that his body seemed to be pierced by something sharp, and blood was flowing out.

   "If you don't want to suffer any more, I advise you to cooperate with me obediently." Qin Ming said. "Do you want to know the whereabouts of King Qingye? Dreaming." Leng Xuan replied weakly, enduring the pain of his body.

"No, no, I think you're mistaken, that Green Leaf King is their business, I don't care, I just want to know about the nine-day star formation. Tell me the cultivation method of that formation, I promise You will no longer suffer."

"Nine Heavens Star Array?" Hearing Qin Ming's words, Leng Xuan couldn't help laughing, "I thought it was something, so you came for this." Qin Ming naturally wanted to learn. Only in this way can he have the capital to continue to cooperate. In the future, even if there is a conflict with the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others, they can still make the other party scruples.

  Leng Xuan is very clear about Qin Ming's thoughts. However, even he didn't know how the Nine Heavens Star Array was taught to him. Besides, even if he knew, he wouldn't say it. Seeing Leng Xuan's reluctance to speak, Qin Ming's tone suddenly became cold, "Don't you want to say it? Well, I have time anyway. As long as you can persevere, I will continue to play with you." After the words were finished, Leng Xuan felt There was another sharp pain all over the body. Under the torment of that pain, his body trembled uncontrollably. Under the continuous pain, Leng Xuan, who had just woken up, fell into a coma again.

   At this moment, in the extinct volcano in the Borderlands, the wind is strong, the prison valley, and others are sitting together, all bowing their heads and saying nothing, their faces sinking like water.

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