Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately pulled Ling Xuejiu and the two behind him. "Go away!" Leng Xuangang clenched his fist, but when he heard a loud 'bang', the two immediately separated.

"Enough." The Great Emperor Tongtian said solemnly, "Leng Xuan, you can protect them for a while, but you can't protect them for the rest of their lives. Tell us the whereabouts of King Qingye. Maybe they can live longer." Leng Xuan said coldly. "I can't live anyway, why should I tell you? Come on, stop talking nonsense, and hurry up." Hearing this, the demon emperor nodded to Qin Ming, who immediately understood and attacked Leng Xuan again. .

   "Sky-Covering Array, get up!" Leng Xuan formed a seal with his hands, and the Heaven-Covering Array was immediately spread around, shrouding the rapidly approaching Qin Ming inside. "Is this another move?" Qin Ming sneered, blood gushing out from his body, filling the formation. "The Great Array of the Heavens!" Leng Xuan ignored Qin Ming who was trapped in the formation, and continued to summon the Great Array of the Heavens on his own. With the deployment of the two formations, the Great Emperor Tongtian, who was about to take action, immediately stopped.

   He and the Demon Emperor still have scruples about Leng Xuan's formation. Now that Qin Ming has a way to deal with the formation, there is no need for them to take risks. "Break it for me!" Hearing Qin Ming's voice coming from the formation, a dazzling blood-red light rushed out immediately, as if to blast the formation. For a while, only a loud bang was heard, and the splendid red light suddenly spread out, covering all the people around.

   At this time, only a harsh scream was heard. Immediately afterwards, in that blood-red light, a huge immortal beast shot straight into the sky from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, the immortal beast had reached the edge of the line of sight. Before the Demon Emperor and Tongtian Great Emperor could react, the immortal beast fled away. At the same time, as the blood-red light around him faded, the Demon Emperor discovered that Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie, who had been standing beside Leng Xuan, had disappeared. Obviously, the departure of the fairy beast just now took them away. Just now, their energy had been focused on Leng Xuan, and they didn't notice anything else happening.

  Leng Xuan secretly exhaled as he looked at the spirit daffodils that were far away. Taking advantage of the moment when he was shrouded in blood just now, he secretly called out the spirit daffodils and let it escape with Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie. With the speed of the narcissus beast, getting rid of the demon emperor and their pursuit is not a problem. As long as the two of her leave, even if he falls into each other's hands, it's worth it. "Humph!" With a cold hum sounded, Leng Xuan only felt a powerful force surging. In the face of Tongtian Emperor's attack, Leng Xuan gave up his resistance. But when he heard a loud 'bang', his body was instantly knocked out, and he fell heavily to the ground, unconscious.

Qin Ming walked to Leng Xuan in a few steps, raised his hand and prepared to kill him, but before he could take action, he saw a flash of light in front of him, and the demon emperor had already appeared in front of him. "I can't kill him now." Hearing this, Qin Ming frowned and said, "Why?" The Demon Emperor said, "We don't know the whereabouts of King Qingye yet, so we will catch him first." After the words were finished, he no longer gave Qin When Ming had the chance to speak, he directly called Su Yanghe and they held Leng Xuan up. At this time, Qin Ming suddenly came over and stopped Su Yanghe and the others. "What do you want to do?" Yun Shuisheng said.

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