Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8516: The whereabouts of King Aoba 1

   "Seniors, I beg you to help Leng Xuan." Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie stood beside everyone and begged bitterly. Feng Lie sighed lightly and said, "Don't worry first, it's not that we won't save him, it's just that we haven't come up with a good way yet."

"Feng Lie is right, with our current strength, we can't fight recklessly." Crazy Tiger Beast continued, "I know you two have a close relationship with Leng Xuan, but we are just like you, and we are very worried. So don't worry, we will try our best to save Leng Xuan no matter how much we pay." As he was talking, Yang Huan came over and said, "The spies reported that Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian have returned. Yin Yuan Palace."

"They've gone back, then Leng Xuan must have been taken to Yin Yuan Palace." Prison Gu said solemnly, "Are we still in Yin Yuan Palace?" Hearing this, Feng Lie turned his attention to Lvqi beside him, and then The person shook his head and said, "The people I arranged inside have been cleaned up."

   "Then what should we do?" Prison Valley frowned. "If King Qingye is still here, maybe we still have a chance to fight." Qi Chen said casually. However, for his words, everyone sighed. Everyone knows that this is impossible.

   "It's up to people, maybe we can ask Aoba King to help." Lu Qi suddenly answered.

   Hearing this, everyone was refreshed and couldn't wait to ask: "Do you know where King Aoba is?"

   "Yes, you must know." Feng Lie said anxiously, "You have been following King Aoba. Before King Aoba left, he must have told you where she was going."

"She did tell me." Lu Qi said, "Before she left, she had predicted that Leng Xuan would definitely have difficulties in the future. She told me that if there was really no way, she could go to her. She will do her best." Hearing this, Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie immediately said, "Then let's go quickly." Lu Qi glanced at her and said, "I can take you both to find her, but there is one point. You have to be clear, even if you find her, it is still a problem whether she can take action." Feng Lie frowned and said, "What do you mean? Didn't you just say that she told you that you can go to her if you are in danger? Why is there now? Not sure?"

Lu Qi replied: "Because she is not the one she was before." After a pause, she continued: "The place she is going to now is something you would never have imagined." Chiwu asked: "Where, so mystery?"

   "The world of the world." Lu Qi said slowly. As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed, "You said she died in the mundane world? What does she want to do?" No wonder they were nervous. Most of the people here are from the mundane world. Now that King Aoba has gone to the mundane world, It will inevitably make them think too much. "King Qingye has no other intentions, but just wants to find a quiet place to live an ordinary life." Lu Qi said, "The fairy world is no longer suitable for her, no matter where she is in the fairy world, she can't avoid this scene. The disaster of war. Therefore, only the mundane world is suitable for her. Moreover, in order to get rid of everything in the past, she has cleared her memory and sealed her strength before leaving. Now she is just an ordinary person."

  Ling Xuejiu hummed and said in surprise, "Why did she do this?"

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