In the hall, Leng Xuan checked the information sent by his subordinates, and his frowning brows began to stretch. Lu Qi, who was standing beside her, noticed the change in his expression, and couldn't help but ask, "Why, did you find out?" Leng Xuan nodded and said, "I think I know why those wandering spirits took their homes."

   "Why?" Lu Qi asked. "After those souls are shackled in the Myriad Immortals Feihong Picture, that picture is equivalent to their bodies and cannot be left. In other words, the range of leaving should not be too far. Otherwise, those souls will self-destruct." Said, he Pointing to several pieces of information on the table, he said, "In these pieces of information, it was found that some of those wandering souls have disappeared. Before they disappeared, there was no warning. On the contrary, those who took their homes Souls are still alive today. So I think that after those wandering souls leave the range of Ten Thousand Immortals Feihongtu, they will perish in a short time, and the only way to keep them alive is to seize the house. What do you think of my analysis? ?"

   "It makes sense." Lu Qi said, "If that's the case, then I just need to deal with those wandering spirits who have successfully captured their homes."

"That's right." Leng Xuan nodded and said, "It's just that it's easy to put away, but it's more difficult to make. There are so many immortals in the fairyland, who knows who has been taken away. If we want to investigate further, we don't know how much time it will take. After a while, he continued: "I will inform Big Brother Qi, let him find a way to catch a few immortals who have been taken away, and study their changes. As long as you understand their characteristics, it will be much easier to clean up. ."

   Qi Chen's work efficiency was very fast. Leng Xuan's order had just been conveyed. In less than a day, he captured ten immortals who had been taken away and sent them to the shrine. However, although people were arrested, Leng Xuan soon discovered another problem. Although those immortals were taken away, their consciousness was not affected. When it comes to change, it is only their strength. The strength of any immortal who was taken away has been greatly improved. All this, I think, is the credit of those souls.

   "Harmless." After several days of interrogation and research, Leng Xuan and the others finally came to this conclusion. Those who were robbed of their homes by wandering spirits still maintained their self-awareness and were not affected by those wandering spirits at all. After several confirmations, Leng Xuan ordered the immortals to be released.

"There will be no harm." Leng Xuan and the others sat in the hall and smiled: "It seems we can breathe a sigh of relief." Feng Lie said: "Don't be too happy, maybe the harm will come later. Leng Xuan said: "Don't worry about this, I have already arranged it. Brother Qi sent some people to secretly monitor those immortals. As long as they have any strange behavior, we will know as soon as possible."

   However, what he did not expect was that this accident would cause him a lot of trouble in the future.

   A month has passed. During this period of time, Leng Xuan combined the strengths of the Divine Palace, the Four Sacred Mountains and the Heavenly Fire Palace. If you want to deal with the demon emperor and the Tongtian emperor, you must join forces. Now, manpower is available. With more than a thousand divine generals in the shrine, thousands of immortal beasts and exotic beasts in the Four Sacred Mountains, and the medicinal pills of the Tianhuo Palace, this kind of strength can definitely be called the number one force in the immortal world.

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