Living With the School Flower: The Master of Flirtation

Chapter 8495: take the initiative to attack 1

   But the problem is that they don't have a strong person who can compete with the demon emperor. Although Leng Xuan mastered the Great Array of Covering the Sky, the Great Array of All Heavens, and the Great Array of Yuantian, but with these three arrays alone, they were still a little worse than the Demon Emperor and the others.

   "Strength is a flaw." Leng Xuan touched his head and said in distress.

   His current strength is still lingering in Jinxian, and he is still one step away from Daluo Jinxian. However, this bottleneck has not been broken through. In Luqi's words, at the stage of Da Luo Jinxian, it is no longer enough to force a breakthrough. Only a spiritual breakthrough can prompt him to complete a breakthrough in cultivation. "Mental breakthrough." Leng Xuan muttered, smiling bitterly in his heart, he really didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

  If he asks Luqi or others, the other party will send him off with a sentence of 'you can only understand it and cannot express it in words'.

   "Brother Qi, it's time for an event." On this day, Leng Xuan called Qi Chen and Lu Qi over and said.

   "Activity? What do you mean." Qi Chen asked. "In the eyes of the Great Emperor Tongtian, we now not only have the Green Leaf King, but also have a nine-day star formation, which completely takes the initiative. If we don't make some noise, it will definitely make them suspicious. If it is you , I guess it will be strange." Leng Xuan explained.

   "That's right." Qi Chen nodded and said, "Then what are you going to do?"

   "With a tentative attack first, let's try our best to avoid confrontation with the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others, and clean up their subordinates first."

   "Okay, I'll get the people in the shrine ready immediately." Qi Chen replied.

   "Then I'll inform the people from the Four Sacred Mountains. Since we are going to be active, we might as well make the action bigger. Our Four Sacred Mountains are responsible for dealing with Yin Yuandian, and the Taolong Sect will be handed over to the Shrine." Feng Lie replied.

   "Remember, we must have enough momentum, this is our advantage." Leng Xuan emphasized, "We have been suppressed by Emperor Tongtian for so long, and it is time to retaliate."

   Following Leng Xuan's decision, Jingu and the Four Sacred Mountains immediately began to prepare for the battle. Ten days later, two teams consisting of a thousand gods generals and a thousand immortal beasts headed for Yin Yuandian and Taolongzong. In order to ensure the smooth operation of this operation, Leng Xuan also joined the battle with the people from the Four Holy Mountains.

  The residence of the Great Emperor Tongtian is still in that green forest. Leng Xuan, along with a group of immortal beasts in the Four Sacred Mountains, directly destroyed the green forest outside the Great Emperor Tongtian's residence with the momentum of destroying the tree and pulling the rot, and pushed it to the door of the other party.

   "Tongtian, come out quickly and die!" Prison Valley stood in front of the immortal beasts and shouted loudly. As his voice fell, Qin Qianyu drove out with hundreds of Taolong Sect disciples. When she turned her eyes, she immediately locked on Leng Xuan's body, "Leng Xuan, you are so bold." Leng Xuan smiled casually: "You didn't know me before, don't you know that I have always been very courageous? As for your master, ask him to come out, don't be like a tortoise. Today, it's time to put an end to our grievances." Qin Qianyu sneered and said, "You are also worthy of being my master's opponent. I can kill you without my master taking action."

   "Really?" Leng Xuan walked out with his hands behind his back, raised his head and said, "Since you are so confident, then I will give you a chance to shoot."

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