At that time, when Jiang Liu obtained the painting of the Thousand Immortals and Feihong, he felt that it was too violent, so he used Buddhist techniques to wash away the evil spirit of those souls. After that, the immortal artifact Wanxian Feihongtu appeared. "

   "So it is." Leng Xuan nodded secretly, "What happened to those wandering souls?"

   "Myriad Immortals Feihong Tu was destroyed, and all the souls that were originally shackled were released." Qi Chen said. Hearing the words, Leng Xuan couldn't help but say: "Didn't you just say that the hostility of those souls has been washed away by Jiang Liu's Buddhist techniques?" Qi Chen said: "The record of King Xiaoyao is like this, but now we are facing each other. That's not the case. Those wandering spirits are very ferocious. I suspect that Jiang Liu used Buddhist techniques to forcibly suppress the evil spirits of those spirits, not to eliminate them. Therefore, as soon as those spirits escaped from the Myriad Immortals Feihong Tu , immediately returned to its original state."

   "What he said makes sense." Lu Qi, who was sitting next to her, answered. "Then what should we do now?" Leng Xuan asked, "If everything is as you said, then we will be in big trouble." Qi Chen said: "If we put those two residual pictures together, can we stop them? Those wandering spirits?"

"No." Leng Xuan and Lvqi said in unison, "Absolutely not, let's not talk about whether the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others can agree. Even if we agree, we can't take risks easily. No one knows that the two residual pictures are combined together. What kind of result will be caused. Moreover, if the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others are going to **** it, how can we resist it? Don’t forget, King Aoba is not by our side, and we can’t count on her to help.”

   "Then what do you say?" Qi Chen spread his hands. Leng Xuan and Lvqi looked at each other, neither of them had any idea.

   In the blink of an eye, another five days passed. In the past few days, Leng Xuan has been paying attention to those wandering spirits, thinking hard about the countermeasures. On this day, Leng Xuan was discussing countermeasures with Qi Chen and Luqi in the shrine, when suddenly Feng Lie hurried in from outside, "Leng Xuan, something happened."

   "What's wrong?" Leng Xuan had a headache, and he was most afraid of hearing the words 'something happened' now. "Those wandering souls have discovered a mutation." Feng Lie said.

"Alteration?" Leng Xuan's face changed, and he said quickly, "Speak clearly." Feng Lie said, "Before, those wandering spirits just sucked the blood of others, but now they directly seize the house and occupy the body of others. , many immortals have already been killed because of this." Qi Chen said in a deep voice: "This is a big trouble, those wandering spirits were strong in their lifetimes, and now they have taken other people's bodies, God knows what kind of things they will do. "

Leng Xuan pondered for a while and asked, "Brother Qi, do you think those wandering souls still possessed the consciousness they had before they were alive? Those souls were refined into the Myriad Immortals Feihong Figure, and it has been unknown how many years have passed. If they are the controller, they will definitely clear their consciousness, and only keep the power of the soul, and only in this way can it be easily controlled." Hearing this, Qi Chen asked, "If they don't have consciousness, what are they going to do?"

   "The reason will always be known." Leng Xuan said, "Senior Feng, Brother Qi, you send more people out, I want to know all the actions of those wandering spirits."

   Following Leng Xuan's order, the Jingu Temple and the Four Sacred Mountains immediately became busy. In less than three days, all kinds of information were sent to the shrine.

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