Green Road. "Wan Xian Feihong Tu?" Hearing this strange name, Leng Xuan asked, "You mean, that thing is a painting?" Lu Qi nodded and said, "Yes, don't underestimate that painting, Wan Xian. Feihongtu has magical abilities. Back then, Jiang Liu was able to overwhelm King Xiaoyao and King Anqing to become the top powerhouse in the fairy world. Wanxian Feihongtu played a crucial role. Although I don't know its specific effect, Qing Qing Ye Wang himself said that the Ten Thousand Immortals Feihong Tu is the most magical fairy artifact in the world."

   "Really?" Leng Xuan was secretly curious. When they describe an immortal artifact, most of them use the word powerful, but Wanxian Feihongtu uses the word miraculous, "After Jiang Liu died, did the Wanxian Feihongtu not fall into the hands of King Qingye?"

"No." Lu Qi said, "In the beginning, King Xiaoyao and King Anqing designed Jiangliu, secretly colluded with their enemies, led Jiangliu to this area, and let Jiangliu fall into the siege of the enemy. With one enemy and five, although he finally killed the enemy, he also paid the price with his own life. At that time, Jiang Liu was using Wanxian Feihongtu to kill the enemy in one fell swoop. After his death, Wanxian Feihongtu did not I know where it was left. In short, since then, no one has seen the Wanxian Feihong Tu. The only thing that is certain is that the Wanxian Feihong Tu is still in this area. However, due to the space here The collapse has caused too much damage to the area, so even if you know that Wanxian Feihongtu is in this area, you can't start." Leng Xuan nodded: "It turns out to be the case. So, Emperor Tongtian and the others found Wanxian Feihongtu. Is the probability very low?"

   "You can say that, but I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, what if they find it?" Lu Qi asked rhetorically. "What she said makes sense, in any case, we have to be careful." Chiwu said, "Well, let's divide into two teams, secretly monitor the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others, and as soon as we find that they have the possibility of finding the painting, we will take action immediately. Stop, how?" Leng Xuan replied: "No problem, I'll be with the fairy, how about a group of four of you?"

His arrangement is the best. Fenglie and the four of them can only exert their strongest strength when they are together. Although he and Luqi are slightly weaker in overall strength, Leng Xuan has many means, and Luqi Although she has never done anything, Leng Xuan feels that there must be something special about her being able to get the attention of King Qingye. After the allocation, Leng Xuan followed Lu Qi to the location of the Demon Emperor.

  The Great Emperor Tongtian is to the north of Borderlands, while the Demon Emperor is to the south. In order to find the whereabouts of the demon emperor, Leng Xuan and Lu Qi spent a lot of time. "Look, they are there." After walking for a short while, Leng Xuan saw the Demon Emperor with his subordinates appear in his sight. At this moment, the Demon Emperor and the others were on the edge of a dry lake, as if they were resting. In order to avoid being discovered by them, Leng Xuan and Lu Qi watched from a distance and did not approach.

   "What are they doing?" After a while, Leng Xuan realized that the Demon Emperor and the others were not resting. They stood in a pile, as if they were studying something. Unfortunately, due to the distance, it is not very clear to see.

   After a while, the Demon Emperor and the others disappeared from sight.

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