Lu Qi said: "We want to avoid them, but we must first figure out what they are looking for here. Only by knowing their purpose can we try to intercept them." Hearing what she said, Leng Xuan No more words. In fact, he was also very curious, what the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian were looking for.

   "Come with me, the others stay here." Lu Qi pointed at Leng Xuan, then moved her body and continued to gallop forward. After Leng Xuan explained a few words to Fenglie and the others, he immediately followed. Not too far, about a hundred miles away, a team of dozens of people appeared in Leng Xuan's line of sight, and in front of the team, the leader was the Great Emperor Tongtian. Apart from him, Ruan Lang, Qin Qianyu and Uncle Zhang all appeared in the team.

  Leng Xuan frowned secretly. In this operation, the Great Emperor Tongtian not only went out in person, but also called all the right-hand men around him, which shows how much he attaches importance to this matter. Seeing the team that was about to approach the Great Emperor Tongtian, Leng Xuan asked, "How did you know that the Great Emperor Tongtian and the others were here?" Lu Qi glanced at him and did not speak, but Leng Xuan already understood. In the team of the Great Emperor Tongtian, there must be her people.

   At this time, Emperor Tongtian and the others came to the edge of a volcano. It was an extinct volcano, about 100 meters high. The Great Emperor Tongtian walked around with the people, and it seemed that there was nothing to gain, and then he left with the people. After watching them go, Lu Qi did not continue to catch up, but brought Leng Xuan to the bottom of the extinct volcano. "What are we doing here?" Leng Xuan asked. Lu Qi didn't answer, but walked among the rocks at the bottom, as if looking for something. After a while, she only heard her say: "Here." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately walked over. Soon, he saw that on one of the stones, several words were engraved.

  The person who wrote the letter may be in a hurry, so the font is crooked, but this does not prevent them from recognizing it. "Qianqu." Leng Xuan murmured the two words on the stone, looking puzzled, "What does this mean?"

   "Qianqu?" Lu Qi frowned, and seemed to be stumped by this strange name. "Why didn't the person who wrote the letter make it clear." Leng Xuan was a little helpless. "He was with other people and didn't have enough time to leave a message. The word Qianqu must be a clue. Let's go back first." After the words were finished, Lu Qi stretched out her body and turned back along the original path. After meeting with Fenglie and the others, Lu Qi said suddenly, "I remember."

Leng Xuan asked: "Do you know what Qianqu stands for?" Lu Qi nodded and said, "Qianqu is the name of a sword. Qianqujian is Jiang Liu's portable sword. I heard King Qingye mention it before. ."

   "So, what they are looking for is Jiang Liu's Thousand Curved Sword?" Leng Xuan said. "No, it's not the Thousand Curved Sword." Lu Qi said, "After Jiang Liu died, the Thousand Curved Sword was always in the hands of King Qingye, so their purpose couldn't be the Thousand Curved Sword, and besides... the Thousand Curved Sword was not enough to follow Jiutian. The stars are fighting against each other. The Thousand Curved Sword is just a pointer, and the focus is still on Jiang Liu." At this point, her face suddenly changed. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

   "I heard King Aoba said that on Jiang Liu's body, there is a very powerful immortal artifact, and that immortal artifact is called Wanxian Feihong Tu."

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