Seeing this, Leng Xuan was startled, and quickly moved his body and rushed over. When he arrived at the place where the Demon Emperor and the others rested, he found a hole in the ground. Judging from the traces at the entrance of the cave, it was obvious that the Demon Emperor and the others had just destroyed it. "Look here." Lu Qi, who was following Leng Xuan, said suddenly. Leng Xuan turned his head to look and found that there were several bones at the edge of the hole. Those bones were buried in the soil. If it wasn't for Lu Qi's reminder, he would have almost ignored them. Looking at the bones, Leng Xuan suddenly noticed another problem. The land here is not that kind of soft ground, but is extremely hard. It looks like a stone, but it is actually not a stone, but a special material. He checked it carefully, nodded involuntarily, and muttered to himself: "So it is."

   "What, what did you find?" Lu Qi asked. Leng Xuan stood up and said, "Come with me." After speaking, he moved and jumped directly into the hole. After falling from the hole, it seemed that he had dropped about tens of meters before Leng Xuan touched the bottom. Looking around, I saw that there was a huge space below, and there was no end in sight. "Here... Could it be..." Looking at the huge space that appeared in front of her, Lu Qi seemed to understand. Leng Xuan nodded and said: "When we entered this borderless land before, we saw a lot of molten lava appear. In fact, the place we walked just now was actually formed after the molten lava solidified, and this place should be the real one. ground."

"No wonder." Lvqi said, "So, the picture of Wanxian Feihong is probably here." Leng Xuan replied: "Yes, Emperor Hunyuan and the others must have discovered this. Moreover, there are corpses on it. , indicating that the battlefield of that year was near here. Let's look carefully, maybe we can find clues about the painting." At this moment, the two spread out their bodies and carefully explored the surroundings. When they came down, the demon emperor and the others had already gone far, and they didn't know where they were going, so they could only slow down and avoid contact with them. The two walked for a while, and Leng Xuan found that there were many corpses on this land.

   In addition to the bones, there are some other items that are commonly used by immortals. Moreover, after excavating the soil, there are more bones in the ground. Just walking less than a hundred meters, Leng Xuan saw no less than a hundred corpses, which shows how tragic the battle was. Since the top is blocked by a layer of solidified lava, the light at the bottom is dim. Leng Xuan walked with Lu Qi for a while, and suddenly saw a light flashing hundreds of meters ahead.

   "It's Emperor Hunyuan." Lu Qi frowned. Leng Xuan nodded and continued to walk forward. When the two sides were still 100 meters away, Leng Xuan stopped and looked over there. "Fairy, when Jiang Liu died in battle, did King Qingye find his body?" Leng Xuan suddenly asked. "No." Lu Qi said, "The battle caused the space in this area to collapse. When King Aoba arrived, this area had already been destroyed. Although she really wanted to find Jiang Liu's body, she had to Finding him in this chaotic area is easier said than done, King Aoba had to give up the idea." After a pause, she said, "Why are you asking this?"

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