"There's still half the journey." Lu Qi replied. Although she said it was half the journey, Leng Xuan and the others had traveled for a full day and had not yet reached the place. With their current strength, the journey of a thousand miles is no more than the blink of an eye, but now, they have traveled for a day, and the distance they have traveled is unknown. "It's here." At this moment, Lu Qi said suddenly. Hearing this, Leng Xuan raised his head and looked forward, only to see that in the sky not far ahead, a layer of sky seemed to descend, dividing the world into two halves, "What is that?" Lu Qi said: "That is a natural You can think of it as a kind of enchantment. If you pass through that enchantment, you will be a land without a master."

   "Borderlands?" Hearing the name, everyone looked at each other, obviously unfamiliar with this name. Lvqi said: "In God's Domain, there are many places like Borderlands. They are surrounded by special forces and are difficult to enter. Even if they enter, they will face many crises. Therefore, few people come to these places. Feng Lie asked, "How did these places form?"

"It's because of the war." Lu Qi said, "Since the formation of the fairyland, there have been too many wars and battles in such a long time. The duel between some top powerhouses often causes the collapse of the regional space. The collapse of space will give rise to many strange phenomena, such as the sky that you are seeing now. Borderlands is actually a general term that refers to places where these situations are similar. I must first Remind you, because the space of Borderlands has collapsed, so the aura in that area has disappeared. After you enter, every point of strength consumed is one point, and there is no replenishment, so you must save your own strength."

   "Besides these, what else should I pay attention to?" Leng Xuan asked. "I'm not very clear about the specific situation inside. I have also heard from King Aoba. As for other aspects, you have to go in to find out." Lu Qi said, "In short, after you go in, be careful about everything, if there is any danger , I will tell you in advance." After a pause, she continued: "My report said that the Great Emperor Hunyuan and the Great Emperor Tongtian each led a team to act in this borderless land, we just need to avoid them, The danger can be minimized. Well, after talking so much, pay more attention to yourselves and go in." As soon as the voice fell, she spread out and galloped straight towards the sky.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan and the others hurriedly followed behind her and entered the Borderless Land together. When everyone passed through the sky, Leng Xuan was surprised to find that after entering the sky, the situation inside was the same as what Lu Qi had said, and he could not feel the flow of spiritual energy. On the contrary, the sky here seems to be fragmented, mixed with cracks, and it looks very terrifying. On the ground, rolling molten lava flows around, bringing scorching heat.

   is only separated by a layer of sky, but inside and outside are two completely different worlds. "This way." Lu Qi glanced around, determined the direction, and then said. After all, she has led the way. The group hurried for a while, and Lu Qi, who was leading the way in front of them, suddenly stopped and said, "The Great Emperor Tongtian and the others are ahead." Hearing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but say: "You didn't say before, we should try to avoid them as much as possible. ?"

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