"Although the Great Emperor Hunyuan and the Great Emperor Tongtian were forced back this time, this is not the way to go. One day, they will be unable to hold back and attack us again. Once they do it, we can't resist it at all." Qi Chen said. Leng Xuan replied: "I know this too, but there is no other way now. Let's talk about it first." After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Prison Valley and said, "Senior, please work harder during this time. Pay attention to the movements of Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian." Prison Valley nodded: "Don't worry, I will handle it."

  Because he was worried that the Demon Emperor and the Great Emperor Tongtian would kill a carbine, Leng Xuan did not dare to leave immediately and return to the Four Sacred Mountains, so he had to stay in the shrine. On this day, Leng Xuan was practicing in his room when he heard Lu Qi's voice outside.

Opening the door, looking at Lu Qi standing outside, Leng Xuan asked, "What's wrong, what's the matter?" Lu Qi said, "I received a piece of information that Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian are looking for the same thing. "

   "What are you looking for?"

"I don't know exactly what it is, but the only thing that is certain is that they are looking for something to fight against the Nine Heavens Star Array." After hearing her words, Leng Xuan looked shocked and asked, "Who came from this information? ?"

"You don't need to ask more about this, I have my own sources of information." Lu Qi said, "I have said everything I should say, and it is up to you what to do next." Leng Xuan nodded. When Ye Wang left, he said that Lu Qi would provide herself with a lot of help. From this, it can be seen that the cronies cultivated by King Aoba in those days were not only distributed in the shrine. After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said, "I heard that the nine-day star formation is the number one formation in the Immortal Realm. Is there anything else that can fight against it?"

"Of course there is." Lu Qi said, "In the Immortal Realm, there are countless treasures and powerful means, and the Nine Heavens Star Array is just one of them." After a pause, she continued: "Although I don't know about Emperor Hunyuan and Emperor Tongtian. Looking for something, but I don't know where they are. If you want to stop them, you have to do it as soon as possible."

   "Okay, I understand, I will handle this matter." After seeing Lu Qi leave, Leng Xuan immediately called Feng Lie and the others over. No matter whether Lu Qi's information is correct, he will check it out. The Demon Emperor and Tongtian Emperor are already so powerful, if they were to find any more powerful treasures, he would definitely not be an opponent.

   After discussing it with everyone, everyone agreed with Leng Xuan's decision. No matter what the Demon Emperor and the others are doing, they are always prepared. Without further ado, after Leng Xuan selected the people, he found Lu Qi, only Lu Qi knew where the Demon Emperor was. Moreover, if he wants to leave, Lu Qi will definitely accompany her. This is the task given to her by King Aoba, and she must always ensure the safety of Leng Xuan.

   Everyone was ready, and under the leadership of Lu Qi, they rushed to the realm of the gods. The area of ​​God's Domain is very large. Although Leng Xuan has been to God's Domain many times, his exploration of God's Domain is limited to the vicinity of the God's Palace. Listening to Lu Qi, the Divine Realm is beyond his imagination. However, due to some reasons, many places in God's Domain are restricted and cannot be easily entered. The group hurried for a long time, but still did not reach their destination. "Fairy, how far is it?" Leng Xuan asked.

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