"Don't waste your time." Prison Valley said solemnly. As he spoke, he made a gesture, indicating that the four of them would move together from four directions. "Let me come first." Just as Leng Xuan was about to act, he saw Li Mengjie stand up and said. Before Leng Xuan and the others could speak, Li Mengjie stretched out her hands and muttered words.

   After a while, around the wooden house, a faint trace of blue smoke rose. The wisp of blue smoke scattered in the air and soon disappeared. "It's alright." As Li Mengjie's voice fell, the three of Leng Xuan no longer hesitated, immediately moved their bodies, and rushed to the wooden house in unison. With a flick of Feng Lie's hand, a azure light rushed out and landed directly on the wooden house. But listening to a loud 'bang', the wooden house immediately shattered. At the same time, everything in the wooden house was presented in the eyes of the four. "It's him!" Leng Xuan glanced at him and locked Han Yong immediately. And beside Han Yong, there was another person lying down, it was Gong Liang.

   Facing the sudden attack of Leng Xuan's four, Han Yong's complexion changed, and he quickly retreated. However, he was surrounded by Leng Xuan and four people on all sides, and there was nowhere to retreat. Seeing this, he raised his hand, and ice cones immediately rose from the ground into the sky, forming a huge icicle that surrounded him and blocked the offensive of the four of Leng Xuan. "Han Yong, come out, you can't escape." Leng Xuan said coldly.

   "Hmph, if you dare to take a step forward, I will kill him immediately." Han Yong stretched out his hand to lock Gong Liang's neck, murderous. Taking into account Gong Liang's safety, Leng Xuan frowned and did not dare to step forward. For a time, the two sides were deadlocked there, and neither was willing to back down. "Everyone, this matter is a personal grievance between the two of us, and it has nothing to do with you. Why are you chasing after me?" Han Yong said slowly.

Leng Xuan said: "If it's just the grievances of the two of you, I won't mind your own business. However, you should never deceive us and use us to hurt Senior Mad Tiger." Han Yong sneered and said: "Then You can only blame yourself for being too stupid to believe me so easily. Well, don't talk nonsense, as long as you let me go, I will let him go. How?" Leng Xuan and Prison Gu exchanged eye contact. Be prepared to respond. But at this time, Li Mengjie walked forward alone and said, "It's almost time." Hearing her inexplicable words, Han Yong said solemnly: "What do you mean..." Before he finished speaking, he saw him asking After a twist, he fell directly to the ground.

   Upon seeing this, the three of Leng Xuan rushed forward immediately and broke open the icicles around Han Yong, first rescued Gong Liang, and then bound Han Yong with special chains. "How did you do it?" After everything was over, Leng Xuan looked at Li Mengjie and asked curiously. "What's so strange about this, I mixed the toxin into the air in advance. Although the barrier he set up protects him, the toxin in the air has already penetrated into his body." Li Mengjie said.

   Feng Lie on the side said with a smile: "You can easily subdue him this time, you are a great girl." With Han Yong and Gong Liang, Leng Xuan and his party immediately turned back to join Yang Huan and the others.

"What did that guy Chiwu do?" Prison Gu said, "Why haven't he appeared yet." Leng Xuan said, "I'll follow Senior Feng to see." At that moment, the two of them returned to the wild forest again, calling out to Chiwu. name.

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