However, what puzzled him was what purpose Han Yong did. Yang Huan searched for a while with many immortal beasts, and then rushed back to report: "Gu master, there is no loss of personnel, but..."

   "But what?" Prison Valley demanded. "But Gong Liang is gone." Yang Huan replied. "Gone?" Zhongming's face sank, and he said, "Could it be that he was taken away by Han Yong?"

Leng Xuan said strangely: "He has already swapped his body with Gong Liang and has the mutation ability of Gong Liang, why should he take him away?" Prison Gu snorted: "This question can only be asked of him, let others first All rescued, Gong Liang's affairs will be discussed later." Compared with the others, Leng Xuan and Feng Lie were more concerned about the safety of the mad tiger beast. Fortunately, the mad tiger beast has been in a coma, and nothing happened.

   "Senior Feng, you are here with Senior Crazy Tiger, and I'll go see Senior Chiwu." After speaking, Leng Xuan came to the place where Chiwu retreated and practiced alone. However, he soon discovered that the cave where Chiwu retreated was empty. Like other places, the cave where Chiwu is located is also sealed by ice. But the only difference is that in that thick layer of ice, a hole appeared. Judging from the traces of the ice cave, it seems that it leads from the inside of the cave to the outside.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood that Chiwu must have used his ability to melt the ice and escape from the cave. It's just, since he's fine, why doesn't he see anyone. While thinking about it, he suddenly noticed that a few lines of characters were engraved on the ice layer on the side of the cave. These words appearing here must be written by Chiwu. After taking a few glances, Leng Xuan immediately rushed back to Feng Lie's side. After explaining Chiwu's situation, he continued: "Senior Chiwu secretly followed Hanyong and Gongliang and left, he said that he would contact us as soon as possible to let us know. Let's not worry too much." Feng Lie nodded and said, "With Chiwu following, Han Yong can't escape."

   In order to melt the ice of the Four Sacred Mountains, it took everyone a day to get it done. At this time, Leng Xuan also received a letter from Chiwu. The one who sent the message for Chiwu was a flaming bird. After the flaming bird sent the message, it immediately turned into a flame and disappeared into the air. With the clues provided by Chiwu, Leng Xuan immediately locked the target and rushed over with a group of people. Traveling fast, in less than half a day, everyone came to a remote wild forest. In the depths of the wild forest, there is a lake. According to Chiwu, Han Yong and Gong Liang stayed at the edge of the lake. In order to avoid scaring the snakes, Yang Huan took a large army and stood outside the wild forest, in a situation of siege. In this way, even if they were discovered by Han Yong, they would be able to trap each other in time. Afterwards, Leng Xuan, Feng Lie, Prison Valley, and Li Mengjie quietly marched into the depths of the wild forest.

  Because Ling Xuejiu's strength is still insufficient, so she was arranged by Yang Huan's side, and Li Gen closely protected her safety. After Leng Xuan and the four entered the wild forest, a lake appeared in front of them not long after. Around the lake, there is a dilapidated wooden house. Leng Xuan carefully walked to the wooden house and looked up. "Where's the Chiwu people?" At this time, Feng Lie looked around and asked in a low voice.

  Leng Xuan is also strange, they have already arrived at the place, and it stands to reason that Chiwu should come to them. But it's been so long, and he hasn't appeared.

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