However, after a while, there was no response from Chiwu. "Is he not here?" Feng Lie guessed. Leng Xuan frowned and said, "No, it was he who notified us to come here, so it's impossible not to be there."

  The two searched for a while, but still found nothing. In desperation, the two had to give up. "Let him go. With his current strength, there are not many opponents who can be his opponents in this immortal world." Feng Lie said.

   On the way back to the Sisheng Mountain, Leng Xuan and the others walked with Gong Liang. They were a little puzzled about the fact that Han Yong took Gong Liang away, and did not understand why the other party did this.

Gong Liang said: "In those days, Han Yong used the formation technique to reverse our bodies. However, in terms of strength, his strength is much stronger than mine. Therefore, for him, after switching bodies, , the strength has not improved, but has decreased, which is definitely a disadvantage. Therefore, he wants to take back his previous strength. As long as all the strength in my body is refined, his strength will definitely be greatly improved. After a pause, he continued: "Didn't you tell me that day that he used methods to absorb all the mixed power in Crazy Tiger's body. If he succeeded in taking all the power in Crazy Tiger and my body Absorption, then in the immortal world in the future, I am afraid that few people are his opponents." Feng Lie said: "I only care about one question now, can you cure the mad tiger?"

   "No problem." Gong Liang replied, "However, first I have to take back my body."

   Back to the Four Sacred Mountains, Chiwu still did not return. In this regard, Leng Xuan is not too worried, Chiwu's current strength is there, and he will definitely not suffer any losses outside. Moreover, he refused to show up, there must be his own reasons. Believe that after a period of time, the other party will contact you. Right now, the most important thing is the safety of the mad tiger beast. To save the mad tiger beast, we must first cure Gong Liang and help him regain his body.

   For physical transformation, Leng Xuan has never dealt with this aspect of the formation. Fortunately, Ryuzaki was there. As the so-called family has an old man, if there is a treasure. As the head of the Four Sacred Beasts back then, Ryuzaki knew more than ten thousand things. This kind of formation is even easier for him. With his assistance, a large formation was completed in less than two days. In the past two days, Han Yong had already woken up. Just in case, Feng Lie and Prison Valley take care of them personally.

   After several days of preparation, Han Yong and Gong Liang were finally sent to the formation. This time, Prison Valley is in charge of the formation. With his strength, such trivial things couldn't help him. With the activation of the formation, a splendid light suddenly descended from the sky, covering the bodies of Han Yong and Gong Liang. Afterwards, only to hear a burst of screams coming from it, the souls of Han Yong and Gong Liang, the light gradually pulled out of their bodies and hovered outside the light.

   Next, is the most important step. Under the control of Prison Valley, Gong Liang's soul slowly entered his original body. The soul returned to its place, Prison Valley closed his hands, and the formation immediately stopped working. With the dissipated light, Gong Liang and Han Yong's bodies appeared again in everyone's eyes. Seeing that the light disappeared, Feng Lie immediately led someone to rush in front of Han Yong, and used the rope to control him again.

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