Continuing to walk into the temple, Leng Xuan saw that in the main hall of the temple, two bright rays of light were suspended.

   In those two rays of light, there was a woman, Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie. At this moment, I saw the two women floating in the air, with their eyes closed and motionless, as if they had lost consciousness. Leng Xuan called out several times in a row, but neither of her responded. Seeing this, he pointed his toes and was ready to fly up. But at this time, a hand reached out from behind and landed on his right shoulder, stopping his movement.

Turning around, Leng Xuan looked at Li Gen standing behind him and asked, "Friend Li, what's wrong?" Li Gen said, "Don't move around until the situation is clear, so as not to hurt them." Hearing this, Leng Xuan Once again, he cast his eyes on the two women in mid-air, and looked at them carefully. However, apart from the splendid light, there seems to be nothing else. "Never mind." After looking around for a while, Leng Xuan bit his teeth and flew up to Ling Xuejiu's side.

   He stretched out his hand and wanted to grab Ling Xuejiu, but as soon as his hand touched the light, it was bounced off by a strong force. "Xuejiu!" Leng Xuan shouted her name loudly, but after a while, Ling Xuejiu still closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn't hear his voice. Seeing this, he moved to Li Mengjie's side again and tried it, but the result was the same. In desperation, he had no choice but to return to Li Gen.

   "Friend Li, you know the history of the Eternal God Race, then you should know the process of the ritual, how can I wake them up?" He asked for help. Li Gen shook his head, "The ceremony is actually very simple, as long as the saint enters this temple, the temple will automatically start the ceremony. In the history of the ancient gods, there is no detailed record of the ceremony, the only thing that can be determined is that the normal ceremony It only takes three or four days."

   "Three or four days..." Leng Xuan frowned, it had been seven or eight days since Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie entered here. It's been so long, and the two still haven't finished the ceremony. It can be seen that there must be something wrong with the so-called ceremony. "If the ceremony is completed by this temple, then there must be a source of power in this temple." He said, "If we can find the source of power, stop it. , maybe get them out."

Li Gen glanced around and said: "This temple has existed since the Eternal God Race moved here. Let's look for it separately to see if we can gain anything." Leng Xuan responded and immediately walked to the rest of the temple. .

  This shrine not only has the main hall, but also has a branch hall next to it. Leng Xuan searched several places in a row, but found that the temple was empty and there was nothing. After a while, Leng Xuan reunited with Li Gen, who, like him, had nothing to gain. "Right!" At this time, he clapped his hands, as if thinking of something, and said excitedly: "I know." Li Gen asked: "What do you know?" Leng Xuan smiled and said, "I know the mechanism of this temple. "

  Because he was so impatient just now, he almost forgot. It was entirely because of the Xiling Mirror that the body of the patriarch could be found before. In the Xiling Mirror, the life of the patriarch is recorded. In the other's life, he has been in and out of the temple many times. Through this, Leng Xuan can clearly know everything about this temple.

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