said and done, and in a short while, Leng Xuan found some useful clues through the records of the patriarch's life.

   "Follow me." Leng Xuan greeted Li Gensheng and came to the main hall where Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie were. At this moment, the two women were still suspended in mid-air, with their eyes tightly closed, not moving. Li Gen turned his gaze to Leng Xuan, looking forward to his next move. Leng Xuan walked quickly to the two rays of light and looked at it carefully. Then, he took a deep breath, his hands were sealed, and he muttered a long incantation. Along with his chanting, the two rays of light in the air began to weaken a little bit. After a while, the two rays of light disappeared completely. Immediately afterwards, the bodies of Ling Xuejie and Li Mengjie slowly descended from the mid-air.

   Seeing the two girls fall to the ground, Leng Xuan immediately greeted them and called out their names softly. Under his call, Ling Xuejiu opened his eyes first. "Leng... Leng Xuan..." Looking at the face that appeared in front of him, Ling Xuejiu called out in a low voice, and sat up from the ground with some difficulty. Leng Xuan quickly stretched out his hand to support her, and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"

  Ling Xuejiu rubbed his brows, shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just don't have much strength, you... By the way, what about Xiao Jie?" Hearing this, Leng Xuan pointed to Li Mengjie next to him. "Little Jie, wake up." Ling Xuejiu patted Li Mengjie's pretty face lightly, trying to wake her up. However, no matter how she called, Li Mengjie didn't respond at all, as if she fell into a coma. At this time, Li Gen came over and said, "It's useless, you can't wake her up now."

   "Why?" Leng Xuan asked. Li Gen said: "The ceremony has not yet been completed. Although you saved her people, her consciousness is still controlled by this temple." After a pause, he said, "Unless you can gain absolute control over this temple. , since you were able to save the two of her just now, it shouldn't be a big problem."

  Leng Xuan recalled the past of the team leader, concentrated again, and slowly spit out a series of incantations. Following his chanting, a deep sound suddenly came from the temple, like a beast, roaring in a low voice. Looking at the dust falling from the top of his head, Ling Xuejiu's face was a little worried. At this time, Leng Xuan, who was closing his eyes and chanting a spell, turned pale, a stream of blood spit out from his mouth, and his body almost collapsed to the ground. Fortunately, Li Gen, who was beside him, found out in time and supported his body. "Leng Xuan, how are you, are you alright?" Ling Xuejiu asked with concern. Leng Xuan waved his hand, took a deep breath, and said, "It's okay."

   After the breath in his body had calmed down, he continued: "No, I can't control this temple. If I force it, I will be hurt instead."

   "Then what should I do?" Ling Xuejiu looked at Li Mengjie on the ground with a worried look on his brows. Leng Xuan exhaled and said, "It's not that there is no other way." When the words fell, he moved and flew straight to the top of the temple. When he reached the top of the temple, he held a steel fist and bombarded the stone bricks at the top.

   But with a loud 'bang', all the stone bricks on the top of the temple were shattered. At the same time, a brilliant light appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

  It turned out that there was a layer of special substance hidden inside the stone brick. Leng Xuan looked through the layer of dazzling light carefully, and saw that under the layer of light, there was a layer of objects in the shape of water waves, flowing slowly.

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