Leng Xuan shook his head, this effect sounds pretty good, but in fact it is not very useful. Turning his gaze back to the Xiling Mirror, Leng Xuan saw that two purple light spots appeared on the mirror surface of the Xiling Mirror. The spot of light was small, surrounded by surrounding white light. However, even so, the two purple light spots are still conspicuous. Leng Xuan was curious about the use of the purple light spot, so he lightly tapped one of the light spots with his hand.

  Suddenly, many images appeared in Leng Xuan's mind. Those pictures changed very fast, but Leng Xuan was able to remember them clearly. When those images disappeared from his mind, it had been a quarter of an hour. When he came back to his senses, Leng Xuan was still thinking about the contents of those pictures. After a while, he slowly turned his head and said to Li Gen, "Maybe I know where the bones of the Eternal God Clan's Patriarch are located."

   "You know?" Now, it was Li Gen's turn to be curious. Leng Xuan nodded. After he tapped the purple light spot just now, the images that appeared in his mind were all related to an old man. Judging from the content of the picture, he could determine that the old man was the first patriarch to use the Xiling Mirror. Those pictures are like the eyes of the sky, showing the life of the patriarch, including his birth and death, from the perspective of the third day. Through these pictures, he was able to find out exactly where the patriarch was buried after his death. On this Xiling mirror, there are a total of two purple light spots. These two light spots should represent the two patriarchs who have used the Xiling mirror.

   When he wanted to come, it was estimated that only those who had used the Xiling Mirror would be recorded on it.

   Through the hint of Xiling Jing, Leng Xuan and Li Gen came to the barren land. It didn't take long for them to lock the place where the patriarch's bones were buried. After digging out the soil on the ground, Leng Xuan found that the soil on the ground was very rare, with a pale red color and an unpleasant odor. He shook his head secretly, this land has been eroded by toxins for so many years, and it has become a dead place.

   After digging down about a meter, a white bone appeared in Leng Xuan's eyes. Although it has been buried in the ground for so many years, the bones are still well preserved, and even the color of the surface has not changed, just a little more mud. In order to avoid contamination with the toxins on the bones, Leng Xuan carefully took out the bones and wrapped them in a thick cloth. According to Li Gen, as long as there is a piece of bone, it will do. After packing up his bones, Leng Xuan immediately moved his body and galloped towards the temple.

   But, same as last time. Not long after he traveled, the power of the source in his body was almost lost. Fortunately, Li Gen was by his side, and with his assistance, the two finally arrived outside the temple. Seeing Leng Xuan's arrival, the two immortal puppets who had been guarding outside the temple immediately greeted them. Leng Xuan put away the two immortal puppets and walked to the gate of the temple with the white bones. Taking out the bones, he gently knocked on the door.

   After a while, a purple light appeared on the door. Immediately afterwards, only a soft 'click' sound was heard, and the thick door slowly opened to both sides. Leng Xuan was worried about the safety of Ling Xuejiu and Li Mengjie, and when he saw the door open, he rushed in and shouted the names of the two girls. However, his calls were not answered.

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