"Leng Xuan." At this moment, Feng Lie's voice came: "There is someone over there." Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned his eyes and looked at the sky in the distance. Sure enough, there, there are more than a dozen immortals galloping here. The three did not hesitate, and immediately found a place to cover up their figure to prevent them from being discovered by the other party. It was only after those people galloped over their heads that Leng Xuan could see clearly that the other party was a divine general under the three kings of the Divine Realm. This could be recognized from the golden armor they wore. Those people walked around for a while and then left. "What are these guys doing here?" Guigu wondered. Leng Xuan said: "It is estimated that they are on patrol. Ignore them, let's continue to look for them."

   For the next two days, Leng Xuan spent his time on the run. However, the area east of God’s Domain is too large, and they spent so much time that they didn’t even find one-tenth of the place. However, what surprised Leng Xuan was that along the way, they met many gods, not only them, but even Yin Yuandian's disciples twice. If it is only the subordinate of the three kings of the gods, Leng Xuan can still understand. After all, the three kings of God's Domain are the rulers of God's Domain, and it is normal for them to send people to patrol around. However, even the people from Yin Yuandian appeared, so there must be a problem. Yin Yuandian's station was a day's journey away, and even if they were patrolling, it was impossible for them to come here.

   "There is another person over there." Guigu looked into the distance and said. Leng Xuan nodded, and when the gods passed over their heads again, the three of them immediately moved their bodies and followed behind each other.

   They want to see what the three kings of the gods and Yin Yuandian are doing here. It didn't take long for Leng Xuan to discover that the gods had entered a green forest. When they came to the outside of the forest, they carefully checked and found that there was a temporary camp in the forest with more than thirty generals. "You guys stay here, I'll go take a look." After that, Feng Lie walked into the forest alone. Among the three, his strength is the most powerful, and letting him go can avoid being discovered by the other party. At this time, Leng Xuan heard a rustling sound coming from the forest not far away. He turned his head to look and saw five people walking towards the camp.

  Leng Xuan's eyes lit up when he saw the person coming, and the corners of his mouth moved slightly. Soon, one of the five **** generals said, "You go back to the camp first, I'll come over later." After the other four **** generals left, the man turned around, looked around, and said, "Come out. , they're gone."

   "Fairy Luo, we meet again." Leng Xuan walked out of the forest slowly and smiled. The person in front of him was exactly Rowling, whom he had met in Divine Realm at the beginning. He didn't expect her to be here too. "Leng Xuan, what are you doing here?" Rowling asked. "There are some personal things to do." Leng Xuan said, "Fairy Luo, last time at the ancient temple, I was saved because of your help. I will keep this feeling in my heart. If there is anything in the future, just tell me. , I will definitely not refuse." Rowling shook her head and said, "You are welcome, you also saved my life when you were in God's Domain, and we don't owe each other now." Leng Xuan smiled and did not continue on this topic. "Fairy Luo, if you don't mind, can you tell me what you and the Yin Yuandian people are doing here?"

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