Rowling glanced at the direction of the camp and whispered, "We're looking for a fairy beast."

"Immortal beast?" Leng Xuan's heart moved, and he asked, "What kind of fairy beast?" Rowling shook her head and said, "I don't know that. I heard that the fairy beast has been living in a nearby lake. , Because of the lack of spiritual energy, the fairy beast had to move elsewhere. It was at that time that the people in our shrine discovered its whereabouts. The three kings of the gods seemed to attach great importance to the fairy beast, so they sent us to investigate. The whereabouts of that fairy beast."

   After listening to her story, Leng Xuan secretly said, "Could it be that the immortal beast is the descendant of Xuanwu?" Rowling also said that the immortal beast originally lived in water, which is very similar to the characteristics of the descendants of Xuanwu. Moreover, it is only the descendants of Xuanwu who can attract the attention of the three kings of the gods. "Fairy Luo, have you found the whereabouts of the immortal beast?" He had to confirm whether the immortal beast was a descendant of Xuanwu or not.

"I haven't found much yet. The range of activities of that fairy beast should be within a thousand miles around here. We have already checked the area of ​​500 miles, and half of the area is still unfinished." Rowling then asked. Said: "You don't want to find that fairy beast, do you?" Leng Xuan said with a smile: "Just ask, don't think about it." Rowling wondered: "Then what are you doing here?"

   "Didn't you say it just now, let's take care of some personal matters. Okay, I won't disturb you anymore, see you when I have a chance." After speaking, he turned away without waiting for Rowling to ask any more questions, leaving the other person with a look of doubt.

   Not long after, Leng Xuan returned to the place where Ghost Valley was. Not long after he reunited with Guigu, just after a few words, he saw Feng Lie walking over from the forest. "Senior Feng, have you gained anything?" Leng Xuan asked. Feng Lie said: "I just vaguely heard what fairy beasts they mentioned, nothing else."

   "Okay, we don't need to waste time here. If I guess correctly, these gods and those in Yin Yuandian have the same purpose as us." Leng Xuan said. Hearing this, Feng Lie frowned and said, "How do you know?"

"I just asked a friend." Leng Xuan said, "They have already checked the nearby area and have not found the whereabouts of the fairy beast. Based on my speculation, the fairy beast is likely to be in this area." Said, He used a branch to draw a rough area on the ground and marked the place, "Senior Guigu, please inform Senior Prisoner Valley and let them go to this area." Guigu nodded and said, "Okay."

   In order to find the immortal beast in front of the gods and Yin Yuandian, the three of Leng Xuan did not rest and set off directly to their destination. The areas he marked were not too big or too small. If they wanted to search them all, it would take at least two days for them. In the blink of an eye, half a day had passed, but Leng Xuan and the others still had nothing to gain, nor did they find anything in Prison Valley. As time passed, those **** generals and Yin Yuandian's disciples also appeared nearby. In order to avoid them and not be discovered, Leng Xuan's actions were greatly hindered. "Let's take a rest first." Guigu said with a tired face, avoiding a group of divine generals again.

  Leng Xuan nodded, found a place that was not easy to find, and sat on the ground, thinking to himself.

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