"The bloodline of the Four Holy Beasts is indeed a good thing." Leng Xuan thought to himself. He was looking forward to what Chiwu would turn into if he absorbed the bloodline of the Four Sacred Beasts. After staying in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts for a day, Prison Valley called Leng Xuan and Guigu into the cave. The Valley of Prisoners is the name of the owner of the Valley of Beasts. Through the communication with Yang Huan in the past two days, Leng Xuan has been in touch with the past deeds of Prison Valley. I heard Yang Huan say that when Prison Valley was still young, he lived in the Four Sacred Mountains as a vassal of the Four Sacred Beasts. At that time, there were many vassals of the Four Sacred Beasts, and there were hundreds of immortal beasts. However, because of the Three Kings of the God Realm, many immortal beasts were all extinct in the Four Sacred Mountains.

"The descendants of the White Tiger have gone extinct. I can be sure of this," Prison Valley said. "As for the descendants of Xuanwu, I don't know very well. It is very likely that it still lives in the God's Domain. Thousands of years ago, I heard that other beasts came to the world. The immortal beast of Gu said that the descendants of Xuanwu appeared in the east of God's Domain. However, since then, we haven't heard any information about it. Therefore, our main task this time is to go to God's Domain to Let's see if we can find some clues." At this time, Prison Valley no longer faced everyone in the form of a beast, but transformed into an old man. He walked in the middle of the crowd and said, "In order to facilitate the action, we will divide into two groups this time. Yang Huan will act with me, you, you and you, the three of you together." He pointed to Leng Xuan, the ghost Gu Yufeng Lie said, "Remember, keep in touch at any time, and notify us immediately once you find clues about the descendants of Xuanwu."

  After everything was ready, Leng Xuan and his party set off. When they came to God's Domain, Leng Xuan broke up with Prison Gu, and took Guigu and Fenglie to the east of God's Domain. The east of God's Domain is only a rough direction, but the actual scope is infinitely vast, and no one knows where the descendants of Xuanwu will appear. The only factor that can narrow the scope is through the characteristics of Xuanwu, the water source. According to Leng Xuan's guess, the descendants of Xuanwu should live in places with water. In addition, as an immortal beast, it is not only necessary to have water, but also to have sufficient spiritual energy. In this way, the scope of their search is much narrower.

   "Lengxuan, there is a lake in front of you, let's go over and take a look." Feng Lie was the first to discover a lake and shouted. At the moment, the three of them speeded up and galloped towards the lake in front of them. However, when the three arrived at the edge of the lake, they found that although the water in this lake was very deep, it was extremely deficient in spiritual energy and was not suitable for immortal beasts to live in at all.

   In this God Realm, immortal mountains and spiritual waters are everywhere. Leng Xuan and the three spent a full day searching for more than ten lakes, but they found no clues. "I don't know if the Prison Valley seniors have any gains." Guigu said.

   "If they had any clues, they would have contacted us long ago." Leng Xuan replied, his eyes scanning the surrounding environment. Although many places have been excluded, the Divine Realm is too large. If you continue to search like this, you don't know when you will be able to find the descendants of Xuanwu. Moreover, the more important point is that the descendant of Xuanwu must be alive. Otherwise, just finding a corpse would be of no use to them.

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