"You said just now that it devoured a lot of the inner elixir of fairy beasts, so it evolved into what it is now. Judging from the breath in its body, those inner elixir should come from the ghost fire clan. Ghost fire beasts are aliens among fairy beasts. Has a powerful and perverted ghost fire. In the past, there were a lot of ghost fire clans in Xianyu, but later, I heard that the ghost fire clan was wiped out by people in Xianyu, and I don’t know why.”

  Leng Xuan is naturally clear about the 'reason' that Yang Huan said. It was mainly because of Yan Ping that the Guihuo clan was besieged by the people of the Immortal Realm, so much so that they were exterminated.

"The ghost fire of the ghost fire clan has a peculiar function, it can resurrect dead life and turn it into its own puppet." Yang Huan continued, "Among all the fairy beasts I have ever seen, the ghost fire clan is the most peculiar. This narcissus beast can digest the inner core of the ghost fire clan, absorb the power in its inner core, and turn it into the driving force for its own evolution... Tsk tsk, to be honest, I am surprised. You may not know that any fairy beast or Alien beasts, after absorbing the inner alchemy of other aliens, can only simply absorb the spiritual power in the inner alchemy, but cannot do it. Of course, it is not impossible, but if there is any problem in the middle, it will give its own life. It's dangerous. That's why I said that this spirit narcissus beast is not easy."

  Leng Xuan only knew that the narcissus beast was evolving, but he was not clear about other aspects. Now that Yang Huan is here, he can just ask for advice, "Senior, according to its current situation, if it continues to evolve, will it become a ghost fire clan?" Yang Huan shook his head and said, "Impossible. Although he absorbed the ghost fire clan. The inner alchemy, but its essence is still a spirit daffodil beast, which will not be erased. To be honest, I am also very curious about its future changes, because there has never been a similar situation. If you don't mind , I hope it can stay in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, and only here can it evolve more thoroughly."

"This..." Leng Xuan looked at the daffodil beasts beside him. After hesitating for a while, he nodded and replied, "Okay, let it stay." In fact, he also felt that there were still many daffodils. The potential can be tapped and placed in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, with Yang Huan and the other immortal beasts accompanying him, it is definitely much better than being by his side. Lingshuixian Beast seemed to understand the conversation between the two of them, and reluctantly leaned in front of Leng Xuan. Leng Xuan smiled and patted its head and said, "You are practicing well here. If you become stronger in the future, maybe I will rely on you." Since the owner of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts went to the Four Sacred Mountains, Leng Xuan He and Guigu can only stay in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, waiting for the return of the other party.

   Fortunately, the other party did not spend too much time in the Four Holy Mountains, and within two days, the fairy beast returned to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. As expected by Leng Xuan, after the other party came back, his attitude towards Leng Xuan has obviously changed, presumably he has met Ryuzaki and confirmed his identity. Not only that, but Feng Lie also returned to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts with him. I heard that he has successfully absorbed the blood of the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast and became the top existence of the Azure Dragon clan. Seeing Feng Lie again, Leng Xuan secretly marveled at the change in the other party. Just absorbing the blood of the Qinglong Holy Beast, Feng Lie's strength has been greatly improved. Today, the other party's cultivation base is slightly higher than his.

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