As expected, the spirit narcissus beast was walking quickly towards the exit. Soon, it returned to its side. "Are there any other immortal beasts inside?" Leng Xuan asked. Although the spirit daffodils couldn't answer, it was able to express it through actions. It nodded in response to Leng Xuan. Leng Xuan was about to continue to ask questions, but saw the spirit water fairy beast bit his clothes and dragged him into the valley. Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately followed the Lingshuixian beast and walked into the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts together. When he walked to the barrier again, he found that he actually walked through the barrier without any hindrance. "What's going on?" Guigu asked in surprise. Leng Xuan glanced at the spirit daffodil beast leading the way in front of him, and said with a smile, "It's probably due to it."

   The path to enter the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts is long, and it took more than 100 meters to come out from the long and narrow road. For a moment, Leng Xuan only felt that his eyes were suddenly enlightened. He was surprised to find that what he saw outside was very different from the environment in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. In this Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, the sky is clear and the greenery is full of greenery. Everywhere you look, there is a lot of vitality. In the raised hills and the wide lake, there were many immortal beasts and exotic beasts sitting and lying in peace.

   "This is the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts?" Looking at the many beasts appearing in front of him, Guigu secretly exclaimed. "Are you friends of this little guy?" Just as Leng Xuan and Guigu were immersed in surprise, a hearty voice suddenly came from their ears. Leng Xuan turned his head to look, and saw a slender, elegant middle-aged man walking slowly over. "You are..." Leng Xuan took a closer look and thought that the other party was an immortal, but after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong. Since there is a barrier at the entrance of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, it means that the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts refuses the entry of immortals. From this, it can be seen that the middle-aged man in front of him should be a humanoid transformed from a fairy or a beast.

   "Yang Huan is here." The middle-aged man cupped his hands and said with a smile, "Isn't this how all of you immortals greeted him?" Leng Xuan hurriedly returned a salute. "There have been no immortals in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts for many years. You are rare visitors. Come, I will show you around." Hearing this, Leng Xuan and Guigu looked at each other, and immediately followed behind Yang Huan, in the place of Ten Thousand Beasts. Valley wandered around. Along the way, Leng Xuan saw many immortal beasts and exotic beasts, there were almost hundreds of species. Moreover, among these immortal beasts and exotic beasts, there is no one that he can call out by name. "Our Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts has never participated in the battles outside. The purpose of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts is to continue the blood of the immortal beast family." Yang Huan said, "The immortal beasts you see now are all extinct outside. , Only the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts still retains the only trace of blood." Leng Xuan asked curiously, "Have you never been in contact with the outside world in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts?"

"Why do you want to contact the outside world?" Yang Huan asked in return, "Immortals value profits. Among our fairy beasts, a large part of the fairy beasts have become the mounts of the fairy people, or have been enslaved to become thugs. Struggle is also the main reason for the demise of immortal beasts. Because of these reasons, there is the existence of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. The Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts accepts all immortal beasts in the fairy world. As long as you come to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, you can accept the protection of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. ."

   "Aren't you afraid of the trouble of immortals looking for the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts?" Guigu said. "Looking for trouble?"

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