Maybe we can go there to see, maybe we are lucky and can find the descendants of Xuanwu and Baihu. "Leng Xuan nodded and said:" If so, you can indeed go and see. "

   "Okay, go back and prepare, we'll set off tomorrow." Guigu said. The next day, Guigu and Leng Xuan were ready to set off from the Tianhuo Palace and galloped straight to the westernmost part of Xianyu. In this operation, only the two of them were involved, and the others did not participate. As Guigu said, the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts is too mysterious, and they are not even sure whether they can enter it, so it is useless to bring more people.

   Speeding all the way, about a day's effort, the two finally arrived outside a huge valley. Standing on a peak outside the valley, Leng Xuan looked around, frowning involuntarily. Not far away, he could see a valley entrance, and entering from there, it should be the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. However, what made him feel depressed was that on the top of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, the clouds were rolling and the electric lights were flickering. As long as he entered the range of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, he could not see any sunlight, and the world was gloomy. not good. It seems that the Taniguchi is not the path leading to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, but the path leading to hell. "Senior, let's go in now?" Leng Xuan turned his head and asked Guigu next to him.

   "Go, let's go and have a look first." With that said, Ghost Valley moved and galloped straight to Taniguchi in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. Before arriving at Taniguchi, Leng Xuan listened carefully, but found that there was no sound in the valley, there was a dead silence, and there seemed to be no signs of life, only the sound of the wind was coming into his ears from time to time. Walking to the front of Taniguchi, Leng Xuan took a step and was ready to walk in. However, he soon discovered that there seemed to be a layer of barrier at Taniguchi, blocking his body from the outside. Reaching out his hand, he could feel a layer of softness in the air. "I'll try." At this time, Guigu said. Hearing this, Leng Xuan took a few steps back.

   Waiting for him to walk away, Guigu mobilized the power of the source in his body and slammed into the barrier. However, as soon as the energy he emitted fell on the barrier, it was immediately absorbed, and there was no reaction at all. After trying several times in a row, Guigu shook his head helplessly and said, "No, why don't you try it?" Leng Xuan responded, stepped forward, and was about to make a move, when he saw the spirit daffodils come out, rushing towards He called twice. Then, I saw it move its limbs and walked in directly from Taniguchi. "Huh?" Seeing this, Leng Xuan and Guigu could not help but let out a snort. The spirit water fairy beast is not affected by the enchantment. Could it be...

"Yes." Leng Xuan said, "This layer of barrier is only for us immortals, not beasts. The spirit water immortal beast is an immortal beast, so it can cross the barrier without hindrance." Guigu said: "Then we should How to do?"

   "Let it go in first to see what's going on." After he finished speaking, Leng Xuan explained to Lingshuixian Beast twice, and the latter immediately ran towards the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. After a while, the spirit daffodils disappeared from Leng Xuan's sight. For the next time, Leng Xuan and Guigu stayed outside the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts, patiently waiting for the daffodils to appear. However, for more than half an hour, the Spirit Narcissus Beast did not come back. "It won't happen." Leng Xuan was a little worried.

   "Look, it's back." At this moment, Guigu suddenly said. Leng Xuan immediately turned his head and turned his attention to Taniguchi of the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts.

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