Yang Huan suddenly laughed, "The Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts can exist for tens of thousands of years, what do you think we are relying on? Not to mention immortals, what if the three kings of the Divine Realm come? I am afraid that the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts has existed for so many years. They can't do it." Having said this, he turned his head and said, "You two, we rarely receive immortals in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. If it wasn't for this little guy's intercession, I wouldn't let you in. Come on, I'll let you in. What's going on in the Beast Valley?" Leng Xuan said bluntly: "Have you heard of the Four Holy Beasts before?" Yang Huan said with a smile: "The Four Holy Beasts are the ancestors of the immortal beasts, so naturally they know it."

   "We came to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts this time to find the descendants of the Four Holy Beasts." Leng Xuan said straight to the point. "Descendants of the Four Holy Beasts?" Yang Huan smiled, "What are you doing with their descendants?"

   "This..." Leng Xuan hesitated, wondering if he should tell the other party about the bloodline of Ryuzaki and the Four Holy Beasts. After all, this matter is of great importance, and it is impossible for him to trust a person he has just met.

   "If you don't want to say it, I won't force it." Yang Huan said, "Well, I'll take you to meet someone." After speaking, he turned and walked towards the valley. Seeing this, Leng Xuan and Guigu immediately followed. Not long after, the three came to the inside of a mountain in the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. As soon as he entered the interior of the mountain, Leng Xuan immediately felt a suppressed breath. He glanced at Guigu next to him, who nodded to him, obviously feeling the same way.

  Leng Xuan noticed that the passage inside the mountain is very wide, more than 20 meters high and 10 meters wide. After walking along the passage for about thirty meters, Leng Xuan came to the end of the passage. "I'll go ahead and report." Saying that, Yang Huan walked inside. After a while, the other party's voice came from inside: "You two, please come in." Entering the inside of the mountain, Leng Xuan only felt that the sense of depression became stronger. He looked around and saw that the interior of the mountain had been hollowed out, forming a huge space. On the ground not far away, there was a huge immortal beast crawling. The fairy beast seemed to be in a deep sleep, its eyes were closed, and its breathing was very gentle.

   "I heard that you came to the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts to find the descendants of the Four Holy Beasts?" Suddenly, a voice reached Leng Xuan's heart. His expression changed, looking at the immortal beast that was motionless, secretly startled. It was obviously not Yang Huan who spoke just now, and in this place, apart from the few of them, there was only that huge immortal beast. "Yes, senior." Leng Xuan replied. "Why?" The other party's voice sounded again.

   "I'm here to find the descendants of the Four Holy Beasts under the order of Senior Ryuzaki." Leng Xuan replied truthfully. With the current situation, he could only tell the truth. Whether the other party believes it or not is another matter. "Ryuzaki?" Hearing his words, the immortal beast not far away suddenly opened its eyes and stood up from the ground. It was only then that Leng Xuan could clearly see the shape of the immortal beast. The shape of the other party is like a cheetah, but the difference is that its head has a few long white whiskers and dances recklessly in the air. Also, it has a very white complexion and is incredibly smooth. The other party walked to Leng Xuan step by step and looked down at him. Suddenly, the feeling of depression was so intense that his breathing became much thicker. "You know Ryuzaki?"

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