"You two, we're not here to fight with you this time." The Demon Emperor said slowly, "What's more, if you really want to fight, it's hard to say who wins and who loses."

   Hearing this, the old man pondered for a while, then winked at the middle-aged man. The latter understood, and immediately put away the fighting spirit on his body, "Hunyuan, Tongtian, what do you want?"

   "We should ask you this question." The Demon Emperor said, "King Xiaoyao, did you set this trap?" The old man who was called King Xiaoyao nodded and said, "That's right."

   "I'm very curious, when the dignified King of Free and Easy, when did his vision become so low, that even the people from the Half Immortal Realm didn't let go." Tong Tian looked at King Free and Easy, and said with a smile that was not a smile. King Xiaoyao snorted softly, "This old man is saving the Immortal Realm by doing this."

   "Really?" Hunyuan and Tongtian looked at each other and asked, "How to save it?"

   "Murder." The King of Free and Easy explained his plan succinctly. After listening, both Hunyuan and Tongtian fell into contemplation, and did not speak for a long time. After a while, Tong Tian suddenly laughed and said, "Since it's to save the Immortal Realm, then we won't stop it. Two people, there will be a future!" After the words were finished, he showed his body and galloped away.

   "Then I'm not going to accompany you any more, I'm leaving." The demon emperor left a sentence and left immediately.

Looking at the distant Demon Emperor and Tongtian, King Anqing gritted his teeth and said, "I will take their heads sooner or later." King Xiaoyao calmly said, "Second brother, don't be too impatient, there will always be a chance. After a pause, he turned his head and said, "I always thought that those Tianyi beasts were killed by Hunyuan and Tongtian. But... since they are all here, who did it?"

Hearing this, King Anqing said solemnly: "Could it be that there is a Daluo Jinxian in the ancient temple?" King Xiaoyao slowly shook his head and said, "Impossible. There are not many Daluo Jinxian in the fairyland, and if someone in the fairyland breaks through the Daluo Jinxian, we will definitely I'll know. Now that Tongtian and Hunyuan have left, it shouldn't be their subordinates... Who could it be?" After thinking for a while, he frowned and said, "The Tianyi beast has almost been cleaned up. It looks like we're going to use other means."

The    voice fell, he raised his hand, and a splendid golden light suddenly descended from the sky and landed on the ancient temple. At this moment, Leng Xuan, who was staying with everyone, was struggling to resist the attack of those Tianyi beasts. In a short period of time, he had beheaded dozens of Tianyi beasts. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer Tianyi beasts in the passage, he shouted and rushed out, preparing to clean up all those Tianyi beasts in one go. But at this time, all the Tianyi beasts in the orthogonal battle rushed out of the passage, as if they were escaping Leng Xuan's pursuit. Seeing this, Leng Xuan was afraid of being deceived and did not dare to continue to pursue, so he had to retreat to the side of everyone.

   "Leng Xuan, are you alright?" Mo Ya asked with concern. "It's okay." Leng Xuan waved his hand and exhaled. Fortunately, this stone statue is strong enough to be able to easily kill those Tianyi beasts. However, when he was about to rest for a while, he saw rubble falling from time to time. He raised his head and looked around, only to see cracks spread rapidly at the top and around the cave, and it could collapse at any time. Seeing this, he hurriedly said, "Go, go out."

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