There are so many alien beasts outside, once they are discovered by the alien beasts, they will surely die, "Senior Shi, do you remember where you both got separated?" It's hard to get back here."

   "Leng Xuan, don't worry, they are not necessarily in danger." Mo Ya said.

   "I hope so." Leng Xuan sighed secretly. Although he was determined to find Zhao Yan, he was powerless. At this moment, all he could do was pray for them.

   "Everyone be careful, there are alien beasts coming here." At this moment, someone called out, and everyone immediately became confused, looking at the entrance nervously. "Senior, Palace Master Mo, you protect other people, and leave those alien beasts to me to deal with." After speaking, Leng Xuan stepped forward and blocked the entrance with his tall body. Soon, in his line of sight, more than a dozen alien beasts appeared, rushing towards this frantically.

   "Go away!" Leng Xuan roared, his fists carrying a powerful force, bombarded out. For a while, I only heard loud 'bang bang' sounds from time to time in the passage at the entrance. In less than a moment, Leng Xuan returned to the crowd from the passage. However, at this time, his body has been dyed red with blood, and coupled with the tall and mighty body of the stone statue, it is like a killing god, which makes people palpitate.

   "Big Brother." In the sky above the ancient temple, the old man was standing there quietly with his eyes closed. Suddenly, a voice sounded in my ear. Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man in silver armor and a blood-red cloak appeared beside the old man out of thin air. The old man slowly opened his eyes, looked at the man beside him, and said, "Second brother, why are you here?"

   "I'll come and see. Brother, how's it going?" the middle-aged man asked. The old man shook his head lightly and said, "It has not yet succeeded. Hunyuan and Tongtian are both inside and have not yet come out." After a pause, he continued: "The Tianyi beasts I raised have been killed a lot, it should be Tongtian and Huntian. Yuan's hand. Except for the two of them, no one is Tianyi Beast's opponent." Hearing this, the middle-aged man said in surprise: "Hun Yuan and Tongtian will affect the safety of others? This is a strange thing."

   "With the abilities of Hunyuan and Tongtian, they should have seen that it was a trap."

   "They haven't come out for a long time, could they be looking for the treasure left by that guy?" The middle-aged man said as if he had thought of something. The old man smiled and said: "That's not up to them. We destroyed two of the three ancient temples back then, but this ancient temple, for some reason, could not be destroyed, so we sealed it in this mountain. Also, we had searched carefully, and there was nothing in that ancient temple. So if they did it for this purpose, they would only be disappointed."

   "King Xiaoyao, King Anqing, it's really rare for the two of you to actually visit the Half-Immortal Realm." At this moment, a calm voice entered the ears of the two of them from far to near. The old man and the middle-aged man turned their heads at the same time, only to see two men speeding towards this side from not far away. In the blink of an eye, the two were approaching. "Hunyuan? Tongtian? It was you." Seeing the person coming, the old man's eyes narrowed, and a cold light loomed. And the middle-aged man was more direct, and a strong fighting spirit burst out from his body, as if he was ready to take action at any time.

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