At this moment, with the power he just showed, thousands of immortals and half immortals regarded him as the leader. Seeing him speak, everyone immediately followed behind him and rushed out of the cave.

   However, Leng Xuan soon discovered that not only the cave, but also the labyrinth was on the verge of collapse. Seeing the falling stone getting bigger and bigger, Leng Xuan's brows could not help wrinkling. If they can't find an exit, they will all be buried in this labyrinth. More importantly, this labyrinth is an independent space, and even if they want to escape, there is nothing they can do.

   Just as everyone was helpless, they saw a faint glow on the surface of the surrounding labyrinth. Immediately afterwards, everyone felt a flash of light in front of them. After a few seconds, they were surprised to find that they had left the maze and appeared on a flat and vast land. "What place is this?" Leng Xuan thought to himself as he looked at the surrounding environment. "No!" This is, Guigu on the side said solemnly: "We didn't move, but the maze disappeared." Hearing this, Leng Xuan nodded secretly, feeling that it was reasonable. When the light appeared just now, he didn't feel his own movement. From this, it can be seen that only the labyrinth has disappeared.

   However, why the labyrinth suddenly disappeared is another question. Just when everyone was in doubt, a voice suddenly came from overhead: "Where is Leng Xuan?" Hearing the sound, Leng Xuan immediately raised his head and aimed his gaze at the two people in the sky. "It's them?" Leng Xuan was startled when he saw the other party. The two people standing upright in the air were actually Qin Qianyu and Ruan Lang, "What are they doing here?" He couldn't understand, these two were the subordinates of the Great Emperor Tongtian, and they should have followed the Great Emperor Tongtian. Why is it here alone. Moreover, they called their names, did they come for themselves?

   "Yes." With a flash of light, Leng Xuan immediately woke up. This ancient temple is just a trap, a trap laid by the three kings of the gods, although the purpose is not very clear. But it is clear that the three kings of God's Domain want to cause them to die. And he himself, originally cultivated by the Great Emperor Tongtian, was thinking of occupying his own body. If he is dead now, then Tongtian the Great's plan for these years has failed. Therefore, the purpose of Qin Qianyu and Ruan Lang appearing here is nothing more than to capture them alive. "Senior brother." At this moment, Ruan Lang's eyes swept across the crowd, and then fell on Mo Ya, "Where is Leng Xuanren?"

"I don't know." Mo Ya replied, "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you." After a pause, he continued, "Junior brother, you have disappointed me." Ruan Lang snorted coldly, "You still I'm not qualified to teach me a lesson. Senior brother, hand over Leng Xuan, otherwise... don't blame me for being rude." Hearing this, before Mo Ya answered, he heard Guigu next to him saying, "You're still the one who died. Heart."

"You don't eat or drink for a toast. Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you." As soon as he finished speaking, Ruan Lang immediately moved his body and rushed towards the two of them, while Qin Qianyu followed closely behind him. . Seeing the two quickly approaching, Mo Ya and Guigu burst out with momentum, ready to take action at any time. But at this time, before they could make a move, two stout hands had already reached out from behind them, pushing them away.

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