However, they didn't travel very far, and Feng Lie, who had been following behind the team, suddenly accelerated and chased Leng Xuan in a few steps, saying, "Leng Xuan, did you find anything?" Hearing his abrupt question Then, Leng Xuan looked puzzled, "Senior Feng, what did you find?"

   "Why, didn't you feel it? Strange, could it be that I had an illusion?" Feng Lie muttered. After speaking, he stretched out his hand and pointed not far away, and said, "I think there is something there." Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned his head to look in the direction of his finger, and his heart couldn't help but move. The direction Feng Lie pointed out was exactly the four mysterious peaks he had been to before. Seeing this, he stopped and said, "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

   Seeing that the two of them left the team, they didn’t know what they were talking about, so they followed. Not long after, the group arrived at a nearby mountain. "Senior Feng, is this here?" Leng Xuan asked. Feng Lie nodded, "Yes, it's here, that feeling is getting stronger and stronger." Long Lingzi and the others asked, "Leng Xuan, what are we doing here?" Leng Xuan said, "Everyone is here first. Rest here for a while." He didn't elaborate too much, because he himself didn't know much about this place. Following Feng Lie, the two searched around the mountain for a while, but found nothing. Thinking of his previous experience, Leng Xuan said, "Maybe he was buried in the ground."

   Now, the two of them work together to start digging from the top of the mountain. With the efforts of the two, in a short while, a dirt pit more than ten meters deep was dug at the top of the mountain. However, after digging for so long, they still didn't see anything.

  Leng Xuan couldn't help but wonder, when he was on another mountain, he just dug a few meters deep and found a lot of bones. Could it be in a deeper place. At this time, when everyone saw Leng Xuan's actions following Feng Lie, they joined in one after another. Although Leng Xuan didn't say it clearly, everyone knew that if this was just an ordinary mountain, the two of them would never waste time here. With the help of everyone, it didn't take long for them to dig a huge deep hole.

   "Hey, what is this?" This is, a voice came, and Leng Xuan rushed over immediately, "Elder Ma, have you found anything?" The person who spoke up just now was Ma Fu. Ma Fu pushed away the soil on the ground, looked at a piece of white bone buried deep in the soil, and asked, "Palace Master, are you looking for this?" Leng Xuan took a long look, nodded, and immediately put the The cut bones were gently pulled out from the soil. To his surprise, the bone in front of him was very long, and it took a long time for everyone to clean it up before they dug all the bones out of the soil. "It's so long." Leng Xuan exclaimed. The bone that was placed on the ground was more than thirty meters long, and it was very thick.

   And, as can be seen from the end of the bone, there are signs of fracture in this cut bone. It can be seen that the original length of this cut bone should be longer. Seeing Feng Lie standing in front of the bone, bowing his head in thought, Leng Xuan walked over and asked, "Senior Feng, do you see something?" Feng Lie glanced at him and said strangely, "This bone It seems to be from the Dragon Clan." Hearing this, Leng Xuan said in surprise, "Are you sure?"

   Fenglie nodded, "I am a member of the Qinglong family, and I will definitely not admit my mistake. Moreover, about the history of our Qinglong family, I have heard from the elders.

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