After listening to the Demon Emperor's story, Leng Xuan fell into deep thought. What the Demon Emperor said was very similar to what Tongtian said. However, faced with these two versions of the story, he did not know who to choose to believe. Neither the Great Emperor Tongtian nor the Demon Emperor in front of him could make him 100% trustworthy. Therefore, he can only maintain a skeptical attitude towards these things that the demon emperor said.

   "What else do you want to know?" Hearing the voice of the Demon Emperor, Leng Xuan said, "If all this is really what you said, why did you become like this?"

"This is what it looks like now?" The demon emperor suddenly laughed, "You mean, why did I become so cruel? I think... You may be mistaken, although the Great Emperor Hunyuan was not a good person back then, he I'm not a bad person either. But now I am the Demon Emperor, not the Hunyuan Emperor. The identity of the Hunyuan Emperor can only be called my past life."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan finally woke up. He always thought that the demon emperor was because of the recovery of the memory of the Great Emperor Hunyuan that year, and his temperament became more ferocious. It turned out that the murderous one was not the Great Emperor Hunyuan, but the current Demon Emperor.

"Leng Xuan, whether you believe what I just said or not, in a word, you already know what you need to know. As for the future path, you can choose for yourself." After saying this, the Demon Emperor's figure As soon as he moved, he flew into the distance, leaving Leng Xuan alone on the mountain peak. Looking at the demon emperor who gradually disappeared from sight, Leng Xuan sighed softly, his thoughts were in chaos. After what happened just now, he was a little confused at the moment, and he didn't know what to do in the future.

   After pondering for a long time, Leng Xuan sighed softly, then unfolded his body and galloped towards the Immortal Dragon Mountain. Ling Xuejiu and the others were still trapped in the mountains, and they had to be rescued first. In a short time, he successfully rescued everyone and brought them safely to the top of Xianlong Mountain.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Ling Xuejiu and the others were a little different. Although they were caught in the Immortal Realm and did not come from the sky, no matter what, the ultimate goal of any cultivator is to cultivate and prove the Dao, and finally return home. This is the fairy world, but just standing in the fairy world in front of them, plus the fairy world story that Leng Xuan has explained to them, no one thinks how beautiful this place is!

   "Leng Xuan, where are we going now?" Long Lingzi asked with emotion.

  Leng Xuan shook his head, not knowing how to reply to his question. There is no need to go back to the Hall of Destiny. I believe that Qin Qianyu will no longer hand over the Hall of Destiny to his control. After thinking about it, in this fairyland, there is actually no place for him. At this time, Guigu came over and said, "Boy, if you have nowhere to go, you might as well go back to the Heavenly Fire Palace with me."

   "Go to Tianhuo Palace?" Leng Xuan hesitated. If it was before, he would definitely agree, but now... the relationship between Mo Ya and Ruan Lang, the owner of the Tianhuo Palace, is there, he doesn't know that he can still trust Mo Ya.

Seeing Leng Xuan's delay in responding, Guigu couldn't help but ask, "Boy, what are you thinking, whether to go or not?" Leng Xuan glanced at the people behind him, and replied, "Okay, then there is Senior Lao." At present, it seems that only the Tianhuo Palace can go. Immediately, a group of people set off and rushed to the Tianhuo Palace.

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