Many years ago, the birthplace of the Qinglong family was the fairy world, but, for some unknown reason, they all moved to the lower world. Therefore, I suspect that this place is the holy place of the Qinglong family back then. Otherwise, there will be no Qinglong bones here. "

   "That's true." Leng Xuan nodded secretly, it was indeed possible. "There must be other things in this mountain." Feng Lie continued, "I can feel it, Leng Xuan..." Before he could finish, Leng Xuan said, "Senior Feng, don't worry, we have more time anyway. What's more, let's figure out these mountains." After speaking, his mind moved, and a piece of bone appeared in front of the two of them, "Senior Feng, this is what I dug up on another mountain. , can you recognize it?" Feng Lie looked at it carefully and said, "This... Judging from the way these bones are spliced ​​together, it should be a white tiger."

   "White Tiger?" Leng Xuan was startled, "Are you sure?" Feng Lie replied, "It should be." Hearing this, Leng Xuan looked up at the other three peaks not far away. The bones of Qinglong were excavated on this mountain, and the bones of white tigers were excavated on another mountain. If so, could it be Suzaku and Xuanwu on the other two peaks? Thinking of this, Leng Xuan felt more and more that there was such a possibility. At the moment, he divided the crowd into four groups and sent them to four mountain peaks. If it is like his guess, something will surely be discovered. In a blink of an eye, the day passed. In this day's time, everyone has gained a lot.

   As Leng Xuan expected, a considerable number of bones were found in those four peaks. Moreover, after careful confirmation by Feng Lie, the bones excavated on these four peaks came from the four divine beasts.

   In addition, everyone has a major discovery. On the mountain where the corpse of Qinglong was dug up, Leng Xuan and the others found that there was another universe inside the mountain. Originally, they had been digging down the pit. However, when they dug to a depth of tens of meters, they found that a thick layer of stone bricks appeared under the pit. It can be seen that there may be hidden buildings in the interior of this mountain.

   "How is it?" Leng Xuan asked. Long Lingzi at the bottom of the pit replied: "It's coming soon, it will be opened soon." After everyone's efforts, a passage has been opened on that layer of stone bricks. After a while, as the stone bricks were removed, a square entrance appeared in front of everyone. "I'll go down first." Feng Lie said impatiently. Hearing this, Leng Xuan hurriedly stopped and said, "No, no one knows what's going on below, let's be careful, I'll go down first." Seeing him say this, Feng Lie didn't insist. Under the gazes of everyone, Leng Xuan came to the top of the entrance of the square. Taking a deep breath, he jumped and fell directly from the entrance.

   fell about ten meters, and Leng Xuan touched the bottom. He stretched out his hand, and clusters of flames suddenly appeared out of thin air, suspended in mid-air, bringing a ray of light to the surroundings. With the light, Leng Xuan looked around and saw that there were passages made of stone and bricks all around, and there was no danger. After confirming that it was safe, he sent a signal to the people above his head, indicating that they all come down. Not long after, Feng Lie and Ling Xuejiu all came down below.

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