As Rowling activated the formation, a splendid light immediately fell from the sky and enveloped the two of them. As before, the light faded, and the bodies of the two disappeared.

   After a while, Leng Xuan found himself standing on a towering mountain. After coming out of the magic circle, Leng Xuan quickly walked to the edge of the mountain and looked around. All of a sudden, I saw a barren land around the mountain. And the mountain they were on was the only peak within a hundred miles. "There is blood here." Rowling pointed to the blood remaining on the ground, and said, "They must have been here before." As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise in the ears of the two of them. Leng Xuan turned his head to look, and saw bright and dazzling rays of light appearing in the sky in the distance. That light is like the rising sun, eye-catching, unable to look directly.

  As the loud noise fell, Leng Xuan only felt his body light up, and a powerful air wave suddenly hit him, knocking his body into the air, and fell heavily to the ground. A mouthful of blood spit out, Leng Xuan struggled to stand up, gasping for breath. "It's dangerous!" The air wave just now was so terrifying that with his current strength, he couldn't resist it. "Friend Leng, are you alright?" At this moment, Rowling came over from the side and asked with concern.

  Leng Xuan shook his head, "It's fine." Rowling, as a Jinxian, is one level stronger than him. Facing the wave just now, she was not affected too much. Looking at the light that flashed from time to time in the distance, Leng Xuan asked, "Who do you think is fighting there?" Rowling said, "Judging from the vigor, it should be the three kings of God's Domain who are shooting, only they have such a power. great power."

"Three Kings of God's Domain?" Leng Xuan frowned secretly, "Could it be that the Demon Emperor and the Three Kings of God's Domain made a move? No, the Demon Emperor's current strength is not their opponent. With the character of the Demon Emperor, before there is no absolute certainty, He shouldn't do that." Just thinking about it, he suddenly felt a refreshing breath coming. "This is... aura?" Leng Xuan was startled, turned his head to look around, "Did you feel it?"

Rowling nodded and said, "It's really aura." After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand and pointed forward, "The aura came from there." After a pause, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Look, I didn't say that. Wrong, the three kings of God's Domain will definitely be able to solve the problem."

   "Huh?" While speaking, Leng Xuan noticed that there were several black dots in the sky in the distance, and it seemed that someone was rushing towards this side quickly, "Could it be the three kings of the God Realm?" Thinking of this, he was secretly shocked. To be honest, he wasn't ready to meet the three kings of God's Domain. Thinking of this, he turned to Rowling and said, "Fairy Luo, can you take me out of here?" Rowling asked strangely, "Why do you want to leave?" Leng Xuan looked at the black spots that were rapidly approaching in the distance, and said: : "I'm worried that it's Emperor Hunyuan and the others." After hearing this, Rowling's face really changed, "Okay, let's go back first." After saying that, the two walked quickly to the magic circle.

   After a while, the two teleported back to the shrine again. Immediately after the shrine, Leng Xuan and Rowling did not go far, but lay in ambush nearby. After about a quarter of an hour, the tightly closed arch of the shrine was pushed open. Immediately afterwards, a few people came out of it.

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