Turning his eyes, he found himself in another huge circle. Not only that, but at this moment, not far in front of him, there is a huge and magnificent palace. In front of the palace gate of the palace, there is an arch bridge about ten meters wide. Above the arch bridge, there is a towering stone statue every five meters. Those stone statues are like loyal guards guarding this huge palace. , extending from the bridge head to the bridge end.

   On both sides of the palace gate, there are three sturdy white columns. I don't know what material the pillar is made of, the surface is smooth, and the inside contains a faint luster, just like white jade.

   "Is this the shrine?" Leng Xuan muttered to himself. "Yes." Rowling on the side continued, "This is the Divine Palace, the residence of the three kings of the Divine Realm." Leng Xuan stepped onto the arch bridge and looked around, even though the Immortal Realm had just experienced a catastrophe. However, this shrine remains intact and has not been damaged in any way. However, what made him strange was that there was no one in this shrine. After crossing the arch bridge, Leng Xuan and Rowling went straight to the palace gate.

   Looking at the closed door, Leng Xuan stretched out his hand and was about to push it open, but Rowling stopped him first. "What's wrong?" Leng Xuan asked. Rowling shook her head and said, "This is the shrine. No one is allowed to enter the shrine without the permission of the three kings." Leng Xuan pointed to the surroundings and said, "You saw it too, there is no one here, maybe the god's domain The three kings have already left." After speaking, Leng Xuan had already pushed open the closed door before Rowling could say anything. As soon as the door opened, a strong smell of blood rushed out from it. Leng Xuan frowned tightly, raised his guard in secret, and walked inside slowly.

   Soon, a lot of corpses appeared in his sight. Those corpses were lying in the palace in a mess, blood gushing out from them. "How...how did they die?" Rowling said in shock, seeing so many corpses in front of her.

Leng Xuan walked to one of the corpses, looked at it carefully, and said solemnly: "These people have just died." Rowling said: "Who did it?" Leng Xuan glanced around the palace, " I think you should know the answer."

Rowling suddenly came to a realization and said in shock, "You mean Emperor Hunyuan?" Leng Xuan nodded, "I'm afraid there is no one else except him." The demon emperor was really cruel enough to actually kill all the people here. . However, what he couldn't understand was that the demon emperor came here to seek revenge for the three kings of the gods? With the current strength of the demon emperor, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of the three kings of the gods. While thinking about it, he heard Rowling's voice in his ear: "Friend Leng, look over there." Hearing this, Leng Xuan turned his head to look, and suddenly he saw only one side of the palace, and a door later , and there was a bloodstain on the inside of the door. Seeing this, he immediately flew over there.

   After passing through the door, Leng Xuan walked tens of meters quickly and came to a spacious room. In the center of the room, a huge magic circle was engraved. "This is a teleportation array," said Rowling, who came from behind.

Leng Xuan glanced at it and found that there was a lot of blood left beside the teleportation array, indicating that someone escaped through the teleportation array, "Can you open this array?" Rowling nodded, "No problem." At that moment, Leng Xuan Standing directly on top of the magic circle.

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