"It's really them." Seeing those few people, Leng Xuan was secretly surprised. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect those people to be the Demon Emperor's line.

   However, when the Demon Emperor and the others came to God’s Domain, there were more than ten people in total, but now there are only four of them. Looking at the demon emperor walking out of the shrine, Leng Xuan felt that something was wrong. The demon emperor at this time seems to be a little different from the demon emperor he has seen before. Whether it is temperament or other aspects, there are great changes. It was not until the Demon Emperor and the others left that Leng Xuan and Rowling came out. "Where are the three kings of God's Domain?" Rowling wondered.

   In this regard, Leng Xuan is also full of question marks. Where they teleported just now, the three kings of God's Domain should be there. However, only a few demon emperors came out. Could it be that the demon emperor succeeded in taking revenge? Impossible, if it is so simple, why did Emperor Tongtian and Emperor Hunyuan spend such a big price, and ended in failure in the end. Back at the place where Qi Chen was placed, Leng Xuan asked, "Fairy Luo, where are you going next?"

"I'll find a place to settle Brother Qi first." Rowling said, "Leng Xianyou, how about you?" Leng Xuan said: "I came from Xianyu, so naturally I have to go back to Xianyu, it is not for me to stay here. The place."

"Yes." Rowling nodded, then took out a jade piece from her arms and handed it to Leng Xuan, "Friend Leng, if you come to God's Domain in the future, you can find me through it." Leng Xuan replied: "Okay. , then we'll see you in the future." After he finished speaking, he moved and flew into the air. After a while, he returned to the rift between Immortal Realm and God Realm.

   Back to the fairyland. For the next few days, Leng Xuan stayed in the Hall of Destiny. The Hall of Destiny had just been destroyed, and the reconstruction work was very heavy. As the owner of the hall, Leng Xuan could not ignore it. As time passed, Leng Xuan felt that the spiritual energy in the Immortal Realm began to become richer. The previously disturbed balance seems to have improved. After half a month, after these days of hard work, the Temple of Destiny has almost been rebuilt.

   On this day, Leng Xuan returned to his room alone, ready to rest for a while while everything was done. However, not long after he entered the house, he heard Qian Dong's voice from outside: "Palace Master, someone is asking to see you."

   "Who?" Leng Xuan asked. "The man said he was from Yin Yuandian." Qian Dong said. "Yin Yuandian?" Leng Xuan frowned, why did the demon emperor send someone to find him? Thinking of this, he got up and walked out of the room and asked, "Where's the person?"

   "In the main hall." At this moment, accompanied by Qian Dong, Leng Xuan walked quickly to the main hall. Looking at the man sitting in the hall, Leng Xuan asked, "Are you looking for me for something?"

   "What is he doing with me?"

   "I don't know about that." The other party replied, "I'm just in charge of sending letters, but the emperor said that if you don't go, you will regret it for the rest of your life." Hearing what he said, Leng Xuan became more and more curious. After thinking for a moment, he nodded and said: "Okay, you go back and tell him, I will rush over." After the man left, Leng Xuan made preparations and set off to rush to Yin Yuandian.

   Arrived at Yinyuan Hall, it was already half a day later. In the main hall of Yin Yuandian, Leng Xuan saw the demon emperor again.

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