"You are finally here." Seeing Leng Xuan, the demon emperor smiled. "Thank you." Leng Xuan cupped his hands. This 'thank you' was not perfunctory, but from his sincerity. If it wasn't for the demon emperor to help, he might not be able to solve the problem of the mysterious cube and make his cultivation even better.

   "No need to thank you, don't forget, the things I do for you are all conditional."

   "Should you tell me now what you want to do?" Leng Xuan asked. He has always been curious about what the Demon Emperor is going to do, what exactly is it, and he needs his help. Those people around the Demon Emperor, whether they are Shang Xian or Jin Xian, are not much stronger than him, so there is absolutely no need to use him. The Demon Emperor smiled and did not answer his question directly, but said, "You will know when the time comes."

   After staying in Yin Yuan Palace for a long time, Leng Xuan set off with the Demon Emperor. This time it was still the two of them, and no one else accompanied them.

   Not long after, the two of them came to the Half Immortal Realm. "What are we doing here?"

"Do you have to ask so clearly?" Leng Xuan asked too many questions along the way, and the Demon Emperor began to look impatient. "As I said, you will naturally know when you get there." After he finished speaking, he moved his body. , raised the speed, and always kept in front of Leng Xuan, so that Leng Xuan had no chance to talk to him.

   Not long after, a magnificent palace appeared in Leng Xuan's line of sight. "Accepting the Immortal Palace?" Leng Xuan was startled when he saw the palace, and vaguely guessed what the Demon Emperor was going to do. Sure enough, when the two came to the Immortal Palace, someone was already waiting outside. Today's Immortal Territory has been controlled by the Demon Emperor, and this Reception Immortal Palace is no exception. Today's Reception Immortal Palace has all been replaced by the Demon Emperor's own people.

   Entering the Immortal Palace, Leng Xuan and the Demon Emperor came to a high platform. Leng Xuan had been to this high platform before, and it was from here that he was teleported to the exotic world of self-cultivation.

   "What are you doing in the foreign cultivation world?"

  The Demon Emperor said casually, "Go back and see the situation in the Yaoyuan Palace." Hearing this, Leng Xuan had a look of disbelief. Now that the Demon Emperor has already controlled the Immortal Realm, how could he care about a small Demon Yuan Palace. However, the Demon Emperor refused to explain, and there was nothing he could do. With his strength, it is impossible to force the opponent.

   Leng Xuan and the demon emperor were quickly returned to the world of foreign cultivation through the teleportation formation of the Asgard. The location where they were teleported this time was not far from Demon Emperor City. After walking for half an hour, he arrived in the city. Today's exotic world of self-cultivation has been dominated by the Yaoyuan Palace. Except for the Yaoyuan Palace, there is no other force. As for the four major forces cultivating the true way, they were also cleaned up by the Yaoyuan Palace during this period of time.

When    arrived at the Demon Emperor City, the Demon Emperor arranged Leng Xuan in a room, while he himself went to see those old subordinates. With nothing to do, Leng Xuan went out alone and wandered around the Demon Emperor City. He had been to the Demon Emperor City in the past, and it could be said to be deserted. But now the Demon Emperor City is extremely lively, a peaceful and prosperous scene. Seeing this scene, Leng Xuan had a hard time imagining that the Demon Emperor City back then would turn into this.

  If the world of foreign comprehension has been maintained like this, perhaps it is not an unacceptable thing for Yaoyuan Palace to become the ruler.

   Back in the inner city of Demon Emperor City, Leng Xuan stayed in the room for a long time before someone came to deliver a letter, asking Leng Xuan to go to the main hall.

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