At this moment, Leng Xuan opened his eyes, looked at the demon emperor opposite, and said, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." After speaking, the demon emperor pointed to the red light above his head, "This is the core of that cube. All the power you absorbed is concentrated in it." Hearing this, Leng Xuan stretched out his hand. With one move, the group of red light immediately fell on his palm.

"If you absorb it, your strength can be improved by at least one level." The Demon Emperor said, "I will give you a month. When the time is up, you will come to Yin Yuandian to find me." After the words were finished, he stood up and went straight into the air. Speed ​​away. After watching the Demon Emperor leave, Leng Xuan nodded and looked at the red light in his hand, frowning secretly.

   Returning to the Hall of Destiny, Leng Xuan received a notification from Qian Dong that Qin Qianyu had returned. At the moment, he came to the room where Qin Qianyu lived.

   "Master Leng." The door opened, looking at Leng Xuan standing at the door, Qin Qianyu greeted him with a smile.

   "Fairy Qin, you are a busy person, and it is rare to see you once."

   "Master Leng is joking, I'm just dealing with some personal matters."

   "How long is Fairy Qin going to stay this time?"

   "My business has been done, and I will stay in the Hall of Destiny in the future. Of course, this is only if the Lord Leng does not dislike me."

   "How dare you despise Fairy Qin, this is what Fairy Qin is willing to do. No matter how long you stay here, I welcome you."

"Then I'll thank Hall Master Leng first." Qin Qianyu said suddenly, "I heard that there are strange beasts haunting this time, and Hall Master Leng cooperated with Yin Yuandian to solve the problem of Xianyu. Crisis?" Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Yes. It is about the safety of Xianyu, so I can only put personal grievances aside. What, does Fairy Qin have any opinions?"

   "Don't dare. Hall Master Leng is very benevolent and righteous, how dare I have an opinion. On the contrary, I agree with Hall Master Leng's approach. If it were me, I think I would do the same."

   After chatting with Qin Qianyu, Leng Xuan said goodbye and left. After leaving the door, Leng Xuan turned his back to Qin Qianyu, who was sending him off, and sneered. Originally, he was going to go back to the room directly, but after seeing Qin Qianyu, he left the Hall of Destiny instead.

   One month is almost the blink of an eye for Leng Xuan who is cultivating. Just as the Demon Emperor had expected, after absorbing the red light, his cultivation level successfully broke through the bottleneck and became a high immortal. And now, what he needs to do is go to Yin Yuandian and fulfill his promise. I don't know where Qin Qianyu learned that Leng Xuan was going to travel far. Before Leng Xuan was ready to go out, she came over independently.

   "Master Leng, are you going out?"

  Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, I have something to deal with. What, is Fairy Qin okay?"

"It's nothing." With that, Qin Qianyu took out a pendant from his arms and handed it to Leng Xuan, "Palace Master Leng, this pendant is the treasure of my Taolong Sect, it can save your life at a critical moment. Also please take it with you to prevent danger."

   "This... is not very good." Leng Xuan hesitated, "This is something of your Taolong Sect, you should keep it for yourself."

   "Master Leng, your status is different now. You should be more careful. My master's last wish requires you to fulfill."

   "Okay then." Facing Qin Qianyu's clear eyes, Leng Xuan nodded, did not refuse, and put away the pendant.

   Leaving the Hall of Destiny, Leng Xuan hurried all the way. In less than half a day, he successfully arrived at Yin Yuandian.

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