When I came to the hall alone, I saw the demon emperor sitting on the main seat, and there were several people sitting below him. They were all the old subordinates of the demon emperor, and they were also old acquaintances of Leng Xuan. The general cloud and water, and the ghost general Suyang River. Seeing Leng Xuan coming in, the three of Su Yanghe saluted him in unison to express their greetings. Today's Leng Xuan is no longer the Leng Xuan of the past, and now he has become an immortal. This identity alone is enough to gain their respect. Leng Xuan nodded to the three of them, then turned his gaze to the Demon Emperor.

   "Is it time to tell me why you are here?" he asked. The Demon Emperor smiled and said, "I heard that you went out just now, how do you think the current foreign cultivation world is better than before?"

   "It's much better." Leng Xuan replied truthfully, this is indeed the truth. Compared with the previous era of war and chaos, today's exotic cultivation world is undoubtedly much better. "I'm glad to hear you say that." The Demon Emperor smiled, then stood up and walked down from the seat, "You didn't ask me before, why aren't you worried about the Three Kings of God's Domain?" Leng Xuan nodded. . The demon emperor continued: "The reason why I don't worry about them is because I can only stay in the realm of the gods, and there is no way to enter the realm of the fairyland, or other places." Hearing this, Leng Xuan wondered: "Why? They are the rulers of the fairyland. Why can't you enter and leave the Immortal Realm at will?"

"You asked a good question." The demon emperor said, "Semi-immortal realm, fairy realm, and **** realm are collectively called fairy realm. You can think of fairy realm as a huge space, and this space is divided into three layers, namely The half-immortal domain, the immortal domain, and the divine domain. The divine domain is located at the top of this space, and below it is the immortal domain. Between each domain, there is an invisible barrier that separates the three domains. The barrier between the domain and the half-immortal domain is very fragile and can almost be ignored, so the immortals can freely travel between the half-immortal domain and the immortal domain. But the immortal domain and the **** domain are different, the barrier between the two domains It is very powerful, unless the cultivation base reaches that level, it will not be able to pass through that layer of enchantment."

"Back then, Tongtian and I joined forces to break through the barrier, which brought everyone from the Immortal Domain into the God's Domain. Later, the army was defeated, and Tongtian used great magic power to repair the barrier before retreating. In addition to that layer of barrier, another layer of barrier was laid. In simple terms, the barrier layered by the heavens confines the three kings of the gods to the gods."

"It's so powerful?" Leng Xuan was a little surprised, "The strength of the three kings of God's Domain should be no worse than yours. Could it be that they can't break the barrier?" The Demon Emperor said: "It's not that they can't break the problem, but that they can't. The two layers of enchantment are combined together. Once the three kings of the gods destroy that layer of enchantment, the other layer of enchantment will also be destroyed at the same time. At that time, the enchantment between the fairyland and the gods will completely disappear. If the realm disappears, the immortal realm and the divine realm will become one, and the three kings of the divine realm will not allow such a thing to happen. Because if the two realms become one, it will not only destroy the balance of the fairy realm, but also cause incalculable consequences. So, before there is no absolute certainty, did the three kings of the gods easily enter the fairyland?" Leng Xuan asked: "Then why are other people able to enter the fairyland, but the three kings of the gods can't?"

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