Leng Xuan said: "Aren't you afraid that the three kings of the gods will come to you in person?" Hearing this, the demon emperor couldn't help laughing, "I can tell you, I'm not worried about the three kings of the gods, because they can't enter the fairyland. Hearing this, Leng Xuan wondered: "Why? As the rulers of the Immortal Realm, why can't they even enter the Immortal Realm?"

"This question... If there is a chance in the future, I will tell you again." After the words were finished, the demon emperor said: "The matter here has been dealt with, and it is time to return to the Immortal Realm. I will see who else dares to go back this time. against me."

  Leng Xuan's heart sank. The strength of the demon emperor is already very strong, and now there are more than 20 **** generals and puppets to join, and the strength is even more powerful to the extreme. Going back with such a force, in the fairyland, who would dare to oppose him. Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing. It seems that the unification of the demon emperor has almost become a foregone conclusion and can no longer be changed. At least, with his current strength, he cannot change the situation.

   Back in the room, Leng Xuan sat alone on the seat, recalling the scene just now. Suddenly, his mind moved, and an idea popped up in his mind. "Maybe it really can..." With this in mind, he immediately got up and walked out of the room and found the place where Yue Zhu lived. Opening the door, Leng Xuan saw the moon candle in the house at a glance, taking care of the more than 20 puppets of the gods. "Leng Xuan?" Yue Zhu was obviously taken aback when he saw his arrival, "Why are you here?"

   "Senior, I should ask you this question. Are you arrested by Emperor Hunyuan?"

  Yuezhu nodded, looking very helpless. Leng Xuan said strangely: "He doesn't know you, why did he arrest you?" Yue Zhu said: "He doesn't know me, it doesn't mean other people don't know." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood. Now Xu Ling of the Candle Dragon Temple and Wang Yanhai of the Holy Snow Sect have both surrendered to the demon emperor, the demon emperor just asked who was proficient in puppet art, and the two of them would tell each other, "Senior, these puppets are all influenced by Hunyuan. Is it under the direct control of the Great Emperor?"

   "No, it was Yan Ping who controlled them." Yue Zhu said, "These gods are all Jinxian cultivation bases and have a certain resistance to ghost fire. What I did is to strengthen the effect of ghost fire."

   "It really is Yan Ping." Leng Xuan secretly said. After a pause, he said, "Senior Yuezhu, can you take a step to speak?" Yuezhu nodded and followed him out of the room. Since those god-general puppets are under Yan Ping's control, he naturally has to stay away. Who knows if Yan Ping can eavesdrop on their conversations through those god-general puppets.

   "Are you looking for me?"

  Leng Xuan said: "Senior, I want to ask, is there any other way for you to control those divine generals like you did just now?"

"This..." Yuezhu thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, the reason why we were able to succeed this time is mainly due to the effect of ghost fire. As I told you, ghost fire is a strange flame. It can burn people's souls and then control their bodies." Leng Xuan asked, "What if there is a ghost fire?"

"If it's a ghost fire, then of course you can. However, that ghost fire is a flame unique to Yanping. Unless it's a fairy beast of the same type as Yanping, you can't find other ghost fires. According to me As far as I know, there is only one immortal beast like Yan Ping, and its kind was wiped out by the people of Immortal Territory many years ago."

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