Just when he was in doubt, he only heard the demon emperor say: "It's your turn to take action, remember, I want to live." As his voice fell, a person suddenly appeared in Leng Xuan's line of sight, accurate It should be an old woman. Seeing that person, Leng Xuan's expression changed suddenly, "Senior Yuezhu?" He never thought that the old woman was actually Yuezhu. He knew that Yuezhu lived in the Half-Immortal Realm, but how did the demon emperor know about Yuezhu? Moreover, from the words of the demon emperor just now, it seems that he wants Yuezhu to do something. "No?" Leng Xuan seemed to have thought of something, and was startled. The most powerful thing about Moon Candle is the refining technique of puppets. Could it be that...

   At this moment, Yuezhu has come to the front of the more than 20 golden armored generals. "It's time to start." After these words came out of her mouth, a scorching flame suddenly appeared out of thin air, shrouding the more than twenty golden armored generals in it. "That's..." Seeing that flame, Leng Xuan's expression suddenly changed, "Ghost fire?" He was all too familiar with ghost fire. The ghost fire is the unique flame of the immortal beast Yanping. Now that the ghost fire appears, it means that Yan Ping is also in this Flying Immortal Valley. The ghost fire has a very perverted effect. As long as the person is burned by the ghost fire, after the death of the soul, the body is still alive, like a puppet, driven by the owner of the ghost fire.

   Right now, Yan Ping is burning these golden armored generals with ghost fire, plus a moon candle who is proficient in the art of puppets, the purpose of the demon emperor can be imagined. "He really dares to do it." Leng Xuan secretly marveled that he actually made Jinxian into a puppet. I am afraid that only a demon emperor can do such a thing. He frowned, if the demon emperor really succeeded, his strength would definitely increase. What does more than twenty golden immortals mean, I believe no one will not know.

  Under the shroud of ghost fire, the figures of those golden armored generals could no longer be seen at this moment, and the only thing that could be heard was their screams of pain from time to time. At this time, Yuezhu was throwing various things into the ghost fire, and he didn't know what materials it was. However, as those things were thrown in, the ghost fire became more and more hot.

   About a moment later, the screams in the ghost fire have become weaker and weaker, almost inaudible. Leng Xuan clenched his fist, hesitated for a while, but still didn't make a move. It's not that he doesn't dare, but he knows that even if he makes a move, it won't change the result. It wasn't until half an hour later that the ghost fire in the air disappeared. At this time, the bodies of the more than 20 golden armored generals also appeared in his eyes again.

   It's just that, unlike before, the current Golden Armored Gods will stand there sluggishly, with empty eyes, as if they have lost their souls. Moreover, together with the golden armor on their bodies, they turned dark gold.

   "Take them away." The Demon Emperor said. Yue Zhu responded and immediately left with those golden armored generals. After watching them leave, the Demon Emperor turned his eyes, looked at Leng Xuan standing on the top of the mountain, and smiled. Immediately, I saw his figure flashed, and the next second he appeared beside Leng Xuan.

   "Since you can easily deal with them, why didn't you attack them directly when you were in Xianyu." Leng Xuan said.

"It's not that they didn't make a move, but I didn't expect them to appear so soon. It seems that the three kings of the gods have become smarter and know how to strengthen the control of the fairyland. There are more than twenty golden immortals. Power, you can use it when attacking the realm in the future. Also, how many gods do you think there will be in the realm? The loss of more than 20 gods is enough for the three kings of the realm to feel distressed for a while."

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