"Is that so..." Leng Xuan nodded, "Okay, I understand. Senior, you go back first, and I will intercede with Emperor Hunyuan and ask him to let you go."

   Back in the room, Leng Xuan was still thinking of a way. If you want to imitate the demon emperor and control those gods, you must first have the ghost fire. However, in the Immortal Realm, there is only one immortal beast like Yan Ping, and there is no other. It seems that this ghost fire is hopeless.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh, looking helpless.

   At this moment, Leng Xuan suddenly felt a tremor in his leg. Immediately afterwards, the spirit narcissus beast slowly emerged from his trouser legs and walked beside him. Leng Xuan smiled and patted its head, just as he was about to speak, he saw a cluster of thin flames spit out of the mouth of the daffodil beast. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help being surprised. When did this narcissus beast possess this method, it seems that I have never seen it before.

   "No!" Suddenly, Leng Xuan seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He vaguely remembered that when he was in the corpse valley, he found a huge corpse pit, which contained many corpses and demon pills, and those corpses were Yan Ping's same kind. At that time, the spirit narcissus beast devoured all the demon pills left by the bones, so that its body began to change later. To be precise, today's spirit narcissus beast is no longer a pure spirit narcissus beast, but a mutant. The root cause of this mutation must be those demon pills.

   If the current change of the narcissus beast is caused by those demon pills, it means that the narcissus beast probably possesses the abilities of those immortal beasts. And this includes ghost fire. Thinking of this, he immediately let the spirit water fairy beast spit out the flame just now.

   Looking at the flame carefully, Leng Xuan immediately confirmed that it was a ghost fire. Because he has seen ghosts and fires before, he will not admit his mistake.

   "It really doesn't take much effort to get through the iron shoes." Leng Xuan smiled to himself, he was still worrying about the ghost fire just now, and now the ghost fire is there. Now that there is a ghost fire, his bold plan can also be implemented.

   After staying in Feixian Valley for another day, through Leng Xuan's plea, the demon emperor generously let go of the moon candle. After that, the demon emperor told him that he would return to the fairyland. In this regard, Leng Xuan could do nothing but remain silent. He knew very well that the return of the Demon Emperor to the Immortal Realm was destined, and there was nothing he could do about it. After the demon emperor left Feixiangu, Leng Xuan also returned to the fairyland.

   However, when he was about to return to the Hall of Destiny, he saw a person on the way. It was an old beggar. When he was in Xiandu, he had met each other once. The man's name was Guigu, and he was the Great Elder of the Heavenly Fire Palace back then. Although he has now stepped down, he still enjoys a high reputation in the Tianhuo Palace. "Senior, it's such a coincidence." Leng Xuanfei stepped forward, fell to the other side, and bowed his hands.

Guigu glanced at him nonchalantly, and said, "Do I know you?" Leng Xuan smiled and said, "That day in Xiandu, the elder Tian Han of the Torch Dragon Hall asked me to trouble me, and it was the senior who took the shot and took that person. It was forced to retreat, did senior forget?" Guigu shook his head, "It's just a little effort, I just don't like Tian Han's behavior, and I didn't mean to help you, so you don't need to thank me."

   "Senior, where are you going?"

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