And the Baise flower quickly approached here as if responding to him. After a while, the Baise Flower reached the top of Leng Xuan's head. "What is it going to do?" Leng Xuan's heart was very strange. In doubt, the Baise Flower on the top of the head flashed light, bursting with light. That light has hundreds of colors, just like the name of the flower, gorgeous and dazzling.

  As the ray of light fell, Leng Xuan's body was immediately enveloped by that ray of light. Seeing the interaction between Leng Xuan and the Baise Flower, Zhao Chen and Wen Xiyuan's expressions couldn't help but change, only to hear Wen Xiyuan said with worry: "Gu Master, do you want to... stop him?"

Zhao Chen smiled helplessly, "It's useless, it's too late to stop it now. If you force a shot, it will only cause damage to him." After a pause, he continued, "This matter will be discussed later. Let's see and talk."

   With the influx of light, Leng Xuan's whole body felt extremely comfortable, as if a warm current penetrated into his body along his skin. After those warm inflows, they immediately gathered in Dantian. When all the warm currents gathered together, Dantian immediately felt a pain of being burned by fire. However, under that pain, he clearly felt that his source power was rapidly improving, and great changes were taking place in both quality and quantity.

   After a while, Leng Xuan noticed that the Baise Flower was slowly rising upwards. Seeing this, he immediately understood what the other party meant. Following the Baise Flower, Leng Xuan moved up step by step. Although the Baise Flower led the way, the opponent did not offset the terrifying pressure on the Zhantian Cloud Ladder. The target of that pressure is still Leng Xuan. However, when Leng Xuan moved up, the Baise Flower had been providing him with strength.

  Leng Xuan found that the more he went up, the faster and faster his Heaven-Defying Art was driven by that terrifying pressure, and it had reached its peak. With the operation of the Anti-Sky Art, the power provided by Baise Hua was quickly absorbed.

   The greater the terrifying pressure, the faster he absorbed the power. When he reached the 172nd floor, he could clearly feel the rapid improvement of his own strength. However, after reaching the 172nd floor, the terrifying pressure was no longer just that simple. Leng Xuan only felt that he was like a small grass in the gust of wind, swaying constantly, and it might be uprooted at any time. Moreover, under that terrifying pressure, his physical body could no longer resist. At the corner of his eye, a thin crack spread, and blood slowly flowed out of the wound. Not only the face, but all parts of the body have the same condition.

   At this moment, the light flickered, and a golden light burst out from his body. Wherever the golden light went, the wounds on his body began to heal quickly. "Nine Turns Golden Body Judgment?" Seeing the change in his body, Leng Xuan immediately thought of the Nine Turns Golden Body Jue. Only the Nine Turns Golden Body Judgment has such a powerful effect that it can treat physical injuries. The one hundred and seventy-third floor... With the assistance of Baise Hua, Leng Xuan withstood the terrifying pressure and went up one floor again.

  In an instant, he saw his left shoulder split open, and blood gushed out from it. Along with his retreat, there was also a long gap. Squeezed by that pressure, the blood in his body was rapidly draining.

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