Leng Xuan gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his body. While resisting the pressure, he tried his best to urge the Jiuzhuan Golden Body Judgment to restore the damaged parts of his body. Taking two deep breaths, he raised his head, looked at the Baise flower above his head, and raised his left leg again. This time, without any hesitation, he went up three floors in a row, and he didn't stop until the one hundred and seventy-sixth floor. As soon as he stood firm, he felt a tightness in his chest, as if he had been hit by some kind of shock, and a stream of blood spit out from his mouth. At this time, the skin on his body has been completely split, like a **** man, looking terrible.

   "This Zhantian Cloud Ladder is really perverted." He thought to himself. Wen Xiyuan said that in order to reach the top, the cultivation base must reach the spiritual realm. However, based on his current feelings, in order to reach the top of the Zhantian Cloud Ladder, not only the cultivation base must reach the spiritual realm, but also a strong physical body. If you don't have a strong physical body, you will be unable to move from the 170th floor onwards. Fortunately, he had the help of the Nine Revolutions Golden Body Jue, a technique that is difficult for ordinary spiritual experts to reach. Otherwise, even if the Baise Flower provided strength, it would be difficult for him to get to this point. In the Nine Turns Golden Body Judgment, he has already cultivated to the realm of eight breaking and eight standing, and he is only one step away from reaching the Great Perfection.

   For him, this challenge of the Sky Ladder is a good opportunity. If you are lucky, you might be able to make Jiuzhuan Golden Body Jue enter the realm of Jiubao Jiuli.

Looking at Leng Xuan, who was shrouded in golden light above, Zi Yuan was a little worried: "Why don't you move?" Wen Xiyuan said: "Don't worry, it should be fine." After the words were finished, he seemed to feel something, turned his head behind him and said nothing. Look from a distance. I saw a man standing behind a boulder behind him, looking up at Leng Xuan on the Zhantian Cloud Ladder. Seeing his appearance, a faint wry smile appeared on Wen Xiyuan's face. Seemingly noticing his gaze, the other party turned to look at him and nodded lightly. Seeing this, Wen Xiyuan shook his head helplessly, and secretly said, "As expected, he arranged it."

   At this time, on the Zhantian Cloud Ladder, Leng Xuanmao made all his strength and went up one level again. One hundred and seventy-seventh floor! Now he is infinitely close to the top. When he reached this level, in an instant, his body was severely impacted. The impact was so painful that it felt as if all the muscles in the whole body had been cut off. The greater the damage to the physical body, the faster the operation of the Nine-Turn Golden Body Art. One side destroys, the other repairs. But at this moment, the speed of repair is starting to catch up with the speed of destruction. Leng Xuan sighed secretly as he looked at the injuries that could not be recovered for a long time.

   Going down at this speed, his injuries have not been repaired, and he has bled to death. "Fight." He gritted his teeth, and his heart was ruthless. Faced with such a situation, he did not retreat but advanced, and walked up the Zhantian Cloud Ladder again. One hundred and seventy-eighth floor! At this moment, the pain he suffered changed again, and his whole body was no longer intact. Standing on the Zhantian Cloud Ladder, he gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his body, and resisted the terrifying pressure. Only in a desperate situation can all the potential burst out. And all he is doing now is to use this terrifying pressure to speed up the breakthrough of the Nine Turns Golden Body Judgment.

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