Seeing the golden light that still existed all over his body, Leng Xuan was secretly shocked that those two golden seeds actually contained such a powerful spiritual power. This spiritual power has already helped him break through from the Profound Realm to the Heaven Realm. But even so, that spiritual power has not been absorbed by him. At this moment, he is madly absorbing that spiritual power with the help of the pressure of the Zhantian Cloud Ladder. As Jin Guang entered the body, he felt that his strength was rapidly improving. At this speed, it is estimated that it will not be long before he will be able to impact the spiritual realm.

   Time passed, and everyone under the Zhantian Cloud Ladder focused their attention on Leng Xuan. They want to know what kind of achievements Leng Xuan can achieve.

   "One hundred and fifty-eight floors..." Zhao Chen said, "There are still twenty-two floors before we can reach the top."

"Difficult." Wen Xiyuan shook his head, "No matter how strong he is, it is not the spiritual realm after all. The spiritual realm is a necessary condition for reaching the top." Hearing this, Zhao Chen asked: "Deacon Wen, you were also in that year. Haven't you tried it too, I don't know how many floors you have climbed?" Wen Xiyuan smiled: "The owner of the valley, don't ask, my grades are far worse than theirs."

   "He seems to be dying." At this moment, Shion on the side said. Zhao Chen and Wen Xiyuan looked up and saw Leng Xuan standing on the 163rd floor, motionless, as if he was powerless to go up.

"Huh!" Leng Xuan gasped for breath. Under the terrifying pressure, his body shook uncontrollably. "No way." Powerlessness. The power of the two golden seeds has almost been absorbed. Without the help of that powerful force, he felt that his body had reached its limit and could collapse at any time.

   "It's still a little bit." Not far from the Zhantian Yun Ladder, a middle-aged man stood there, quietly watching Leng Xuan. Seeing Leng Xuan's tired look, the middle-aged man frowned slightly. Immediately, as if he had made a decision, he turned and walked back.

"One hundred and sixty-three floors..." Zhao Chen shook his head and said to himself, "If his cultivation base is stronger, maybe he can directly break through the half-immortal." Wen Xiyuan smiled: "This kind of achievement has already been achieved. That's right, relying on the Heavenly Realm cultivation base to reach the 163rd floor, there has never been one in the history of Xilan Valley... He has come down." The 'he' in his mouth did not refer to Leng Xuan, but Xiang Qidong. Xiang Qidong's best result was one hundred and forty-five floors, but unfortunately, he has reached the limit and cannot go any further. Falling from the air, Zhao Chen was just about to meet him, but he saw Xiang Qidong didn't say a word, just sat on the ground and rested cross-legged.

   "He should come down too." Wen Xiyuan looked at Leng Xuan and said. But at this moment, his voice just fell, and a refreshing breath suddenly came from the air. Everyone looked up and saw a brightly colored flower appearing in the mid-air above their heads. " did Baise Hua appear here?" Zhao Chen was taken aback and said in surprise, "Deacon Wen." Wen Xiyuan shook his head, "I didn't do it."

   At this moment, the Baise Flower was flying towards Leng Xuan from mid-air. Seeing Baise Hua approaching, Leng Xuan's heart was equally astonished. However, before he had time to act, a nine-colored light had emerged from his body, as if calling for the Baise Flower.

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