At this time, Xiaobao's help had disappeared. Without Little Treasure's assistance, Leng Xuan was completely useless when he reached the 110th floor. The terrifying pressure was surging, making it hard for him to resist. However, at this moment, Leng Xuan suddenly felt a slight change in his body, as if something exploded in his body. Immediately afterwards, a cool breath spread all over the body.

  Leng Xuan was stunned, but before he could react, the cool aura suddenly turned into a powerful spiritual energy, filling his body and nourishing his body. "This is..." Looking at the golden light slowly emerging from the surface of his body, Leng Xuan's face was full of surprise. After thinking about it, his heart suddenly moved, "Could it be that the seeds of Baise Flowers played a role?"

   With the crazy injection of spiritual energy, Leng Xuan suddenly felt a throbbing pain from his dantian, as if he could no longer contain the huge spiritual energy. Feeling the changes in his body, Leng Xuan naturally knew that this was a rare opportunity. Immediately, he closed his eyes, sat down directly on the Zhantian Cloud Ladder, and then started the anti-sky art. A few weeks have passed, the source power in Dantian has reached the bottleneck, and it may break through at any time.

   "What is he doing?" Seeing Leng Xuan standing there motionless, Zhao Chen was a little strange. Wen Xiyuan shook his head, he didn't know what Leng Xuan was doing. At this moment, on another Zhantian Cloud Ladder, Xiang Qidong had successfully reached the 145th floor. However, this seems to have reached his limit. He stood there for a long time and did not go up again. Moreover, the cyan light on his body has begun to gradually fade away.

   After a while, Leng Xuan's body suddenly burst out with a very strong momentum, and all the golden light around his body was inhaled into his body. However, not long after that golden light was inhaled into the body, it surged out again.

   opened his eyes and looked at the golden light circulating outside his body, a look of shock appeared on Leng Xuan's face, "It's not finished yet." After calming down, he stood up again and looked up.

   "He just... broke through?" Zhao Chen asked in surprise. Wen Xiyuan nodded and said with a smile: "It seems that he is better than we expected." Hearing their praise for Leng Xuan, Zhuo Ming's face turned gloomy. He originally wanted to show off in front of his junior sister to prove that he was stronger than Leng Xuan. But as a result, before he even reached the 70th floor, he was squeezed down by that pressure, which hit him, who had always been conceited, very hard. Especially after hearing other people's compliments to Leng Xuan, his heart was even more uncomfortable. Looking at Zi Yuan next to him, he saw that the other party raised his head, keeping an eye on Leng Xuan, and didn't notice him at all, which made him even more uncomfortable.

The improvement of   's cultivation level gave Leng Xuan greater confidence in this challenge. All the way up, his speed is getting faster and faster, and he is not slow at all. After a while, he reached the 140th floor. As he progressed, the golden light surrounding him began to gradually decrease. Looking at Leng Xuan who was about to surpass him, Xiang Qidong frowned slightly. Leng Xuan's breakthrough just now really surprised him. He did not expect that the other party could actually use pressure to break through the limit. After a while, Leng Xuan successfully passed Xiang Qidong and climbed to the 147th floor.

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