"It's hard to say. Xiang Qidong is that person's apprentice, and his aptitude is very good. He reached the spiritual realm at a young age, which is enough to show his talent. In addition, from the beginning to the present, he has not used any means, in my opinion. , he should still be able to go up to the 20th floor." Hearing this, Wen Xiyuan was a little surprised: "Gu master is so optimistic about him?" Zhao Chen smiled and said, "It's not that he is optimistic, mainly his master." Hearing this, Wen Xi couldn't help laughing.

   At this moment, Leng Xuan, who was standing on the 121st floor, was still holding on, and Little Treasure was about to absorb the Wanling Water. Once he loses Xiaobao's help, it will be difficult for him to maintain his current state. While thinking about it, a powerful momentum suddenly came from the side. He turned his head and saw that Xiang Qidong, who was resting just now, was urging his body to move up quickly. Leng Xuan noticed that a faint blue light appeared on Xiang Qidong's body. That layer of azure light was like an enchantment, protecting his body. In a short while, Xiang Qidong successfully reached the 121st floor, just in line with him.

   seemed to sense Leng Xuan's gaze, turned his head to Qidong and glanced at Leng Xuan. Then, he withdrew his gaze and continued upward. With his movements, the layer of azure light outside his body became brighter and brighter, and after a while, the azure light had enveloped his whole body. With that splendid blue light, the speed of starting the line was getting faster and faster, as if it was not affected by that terrifying pressure. Soon, he successfully reached the one hundred and thirty-fourth floor.

   "There are still two floors." Zhao Chen smiled, "It seems that the previous record is about to be broken." Without any suspense, facing the next two floors, Xiang Qidong stepped directly into the past.

   "One hundred and thirty-seventh floor." Seeing Xiang Qidong's results, Leng Xuan couldn't help but exclaim. This person is amazing, and more importantly, the other party is still so young. For some reason, seeing Xiang Qidong successfully breaking the record, Leng Xuan's fighting spirit was immediately aroused. Since you are challenging your own limits, how can you just give up. Thinking of this, he gritted his steel teeth and lifted his legs up again. For a time, the nine-color light became more and more intense, and a powerful force was slowly injected into his body. "One hundred and twenty-two floors..." Leng Xuan clenched his teeth while reading the number of floors in his heart, exerting all his strength, and continued to advance.

   "Pfft!" Suddenly, Leng Xuan's face turned pale, and a stream of blood spurted out of his mouth. At the same time, his body crooked and fell directly downward. "It's over." Zhao Chen below sighed softly, "He has reached his limit." Wen Xiyuan didn't say anything, he looked up at Leng Xuan who was falling, with a complicated look in his eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking something. "Huh?" At this moment, Zhao Chen exclaimed, "It actually stopped."

  Leng Xuan, who was in the fall, reacted in time, reached out and grabbed the Zhantian Cloud Ladder to stabilize his body. He wiped the blood on the corner of his lips, looked up and down, and found that he had fallen to the ninety-fourth floor of the Zhantian Cloud Ladder. Taking two deep breaths, Leng Xuan moved his body again and rushed upwards after the pain in his body had eased. "Aren't you willing to give up?" Zhao Chen shook his head and turned to Wen Xiyuan and said, "Would you like to stop him, if he continues like this, it is likely to cause harm to his body." Wen Xiyuan hesitated and said, "Let's see first. Let's see, he should be measured."

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