Less than half a minute later, the Chiwu Sword above made a clanging sound of swords. Leng Xuan looked up and saw that the body of Chiwujian was trembling slightly, as if it was about to lose its hold. Seeing this, his mind moved, and he immediately took the Chiwu Sword back. Suddenly, the terrifying pressure fell on him again like a raging wave.

  Leng Xuan only felt his body sink, his legs almost slumped, and he hurriedly activated his True Qi to protect his body, and only then did he withstand the pressure and stabilize his figure. He took a deep breath, looked up at the top of the Zhantian Cloud Ladder, and reached the top with fifty-ninth floors. "Fifty-ninth floor..." He secretly smiled bitterly. At this moment, standing on the 121st floor, he has exhausted all means, and only Xiaobao is still holding on. It's just that once the all-purpose water is absorbed, Little Treasure will be powerless.

   Just when he was about to give up, a deep roar suddenly came from behind him. He turned his head to look, and saw that the spirit narcissus beast appeared at an unknown time. "What are you running for?" As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the spirit narcissus beast passed over him from his back and rushed towards the top of the Zhantian Cloud Ladder. One step up, the body of the narcissus beast immediately turned back into a behemoth dozens of meters long, resisting the pressure.

   Seeing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood the meaning of the spirit daffodil beast, the other party asked him to follow behind him. "No need." Leng Xuan shook his head. He understands the good intentions of the narcissus beast, but this battle to the sky is a challenge to his own limits. Whether it is Chiwujian or Little Treasure, it is a power that he can use and completely control. Therefore, these can be regarded as part of his strength. But the narcissus beast is different. It is a separate individual, and it is a friendly friend relationship with him at most, so he does not want to use its power. Moreover, even if he succeeded with the power of the Spiritual Narcissus, it would be a meaningless victory for him.

The   spirit Narcissus Beast seemed to understand his intentions, and after a low cry, he turned back. As soon as it left, that powerful pressure enveloped Leng Xuan again.

   "It's almost there." At this time, Zhao Chen, who was at the bottom, said. Wen Xiyuan nodded, "What do you think about him?" Zhao Chen smiled and said, "That's right. It is very rare to be able to achieve such a result with a cultivation in the profound realm. If he has cultivation in the spiritual realm, he might be able to break through it. Lose the records left by the predecessors." Wen Xiyuan said: "I think he still has potential to be tapped, it would be a pity if he gave up now."

"It's true, but it's too dangerous. The purpose of the Sky Ladder is to challenge one's own limits and force out one's potential. However, if it exceeds the limit that the body can bear, it will cause great damage to oneself. "

   As they were talking, a scream suddenly entered the ears of the three of them. Turning his head to look, he saw Zhuo Ming fell heavily from the air, screaming in pain. Zhao Chen shook his head, "The sixty-eighth floor, I haven't even reached the seventieth floor. Although he only has a Celestial Realm cultivation base, such achievements only show that he has no potential, and his future achievements will be greatly limited." Wen Xiyuan With a slight smile, "It seems that the vision of the owner of Baiyuan Garden is not very good." After a pause, he turned his head and asked: "Gu owner, how long do you think that Xiang Qidong can last?"

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