After a day off, Leng Xuan received a notice from Wen Xiyuan and rushed to a place in the valley the next morning. When he arrived, he found that both Zi Yuan and Zhuo Ming had arrived and were talking there. When the three of them met, Leng Xuan cupped his hands in greeting, Zi Yuan smiled and returned the salute, only Zhuo Ming's performance was relatively cold, and he casually said a word.

Seeing that Wen Xiyuan hadn't come yet, Leng Xuan found a topic and asked, "Fairy Zi Yuan, why are you coming to Xilan Valley this time?" This is about my Baiyuan Garden, don't bother you. Junior sister, let's go over there and take a look." After he finished speaking, he had already dragged Ziyuan away without waiting for Ziyuan to refuse. Seeing this, Leng Xuan shook his head and smiled, disregarding Zhuo Ming's attitude.

   If others respect him one foot, he will respect others ten feet. If others ignore him, then he naturally won't use his hot face to stick to other people's cold ass. The reason why he has a good attitude towards Zi Yuan is mainly because of Zhuo Shimin. In any case, when he first came to the Half Immortal Realm, it was thanks to Zhuo Shimin's guidance. After waiting for a long time, Wen Xiyuan appeared in the sight of the three.

   "Three, I'm sorry for making you wait for a long time. A guest came just now, so it took some time." Wen Xiyuan said. "It doesn't matter." Zhuo Ming asked, "Dare to ask Deacon Wen why he asked us to come here?"

Wen Xiyuan smiled and said: "Have you forgotten the purpose of your visit to Xilan Valley this time?" Hearing this, Zhuo Ming's eyes lit up and said, "Deacon Wen means that Zhao Guzhu agreed to our request?" Wen Xiyuan nodded and said: "Xilan Valley and Baihuayuan have always been friends. Now the owner of Baihuayuan has asked for it, and we should agree. The old friend still has to sell his face. Okay, three, Please come with me." With that, he walked forward.

   Followed Wen Xiyuan and walked along the path of the valley for more than 100 meters, and the four of them came to the bottom of a mountain. There, four guards stood. Wen Xiyuan made a gesture to the other side, and the four guards immediately got busy. After a while, I only heard a soft 'click'. Immediately afterwards, the two boulders at the bottom of the mountain slowly moved away from both sides, revealing a huge hole. "Three people, this way please." Entering the cave, Leng Xuan glanced around and saw that the passage was artificially built. The ground was not only flat, but also paved with bluestone bricks, and even the mountain walls on both sides were polished to be extremely smooth. After entering the cave, Leng Xuan immediately felt a refreshing breath.

   As the four of them went deeper, the refreshing breath began to become more intense. Leng Xuan was secretly frightened. After the refreshing breath was inhaled into his body, the power of the source in his dantian began to agitate. Thinking of this, he became more and more curious about what was in the cave. After walking not far, the four finally reached the end of the cave. At the end is a huge and spacious stone room that can accommodate hundreds of people.

   As soon as he walked into the stone room, Leng Xuan's eyes were immediately attracted by the things at the top of the stone room. On the top of the stone chamber, a strange flower is suspended. The flower was enveloped by a faint purple light, shedding a little light from time to time, like a bright star. Not only that, the color of the flower changed from time to time, suddenly red, then gold, and then blue.

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