After some negotiation, Leng Xuan learned from the other party that further inside, it was the forbidden area of ​​Xilan Valley, and only the core disciples of Xilan Valley could enter.

   In desperation, Leng Xuan had no choice but to turn around and walk back. At this moment, a pleasant voice suddenly came over: "Friend Leng Xian." Leng Xuan turned his head, only to see Zi Yuan from Baihuayuan walking over.

   "It turned out to be Fairy Ziyuan." Leng Xuan greeted with a smile. Zi Yuan said: "Friend Leng Xian is the first time to come to Xilan Valley, or I will show you around."

  Leng Xuan asked curiously, "Is Fairy Ziyuan familiar with this place?"

   Ziyuan smiled and replied: "My master has known the old valley owner of Xilan Valley for many years, so I often come to Xilan Valley."

   The two were walking on the road, Leng Xuan couldn't help asking: "Fairy Ziyuan, I wonder if you know Zhuo Shimin?"

   "Zhuo Shimin?" Zi Yuan recalled and shook his head, "I don't know."

   "Don't you know her? She is also a disciple of your Baihuayuan, so why don't you know her?"

"Impossible." Zi Yuan replied, "I know all the disciples of Baihuayuan, but I don't have the slightest impression of the Zhuo Shimin you mentioned. She should not be our Baihuayuan's disciple." Hearing her affirmative tone, she was cold. Xuan touched his nose, feeling a little strange in his heart. I had clearly met Zhuo Shimin in Baihuayuan, how could the other party not be a disciple of Baihuayuan. Seeing Leng Xuan's contemplative look, Zi Yuan couldn't help but say: "Friend Leng Xian, you may have made a mistake, or someone has deceived you by borrowing the name of our Baihuayuan. The list of Baihuayuan's disciples has always been kept by me. So I can't remember wrong."

  Leng Xuan smiled and said casually, "Maybe."

   Wandering around in the Baiyuan Garden for a while, Leng Xuan saw Wen Xiyuan walking towards him.

   "Friend Leng, Fairy Shion."

   "Deacon Wen, is something wrong?" Shion asked.

   "The owner of the valley invites your friend Leng Xian to come over."

   "Then I'll say goodbye first. Leng Xianyou, let's talk when you have time."

   After Ziyuan left, Leng Xuan followed Wen Xiyuan to the hall of Xilan Valley. When he came to the hall and saw Zhao Chen sitting on the main seat, Leng Xuan took two steps forward and asked, "Master Zhao Gu, what's the matter with me in such a hurry?"

Zhao Chen smiled and said, "Friend Leng Xian, I don't even know what to say. There are now two Zhantian Orders that are rare in a hundred years." Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood what he meant. , "Zhao Guzhu, you mean, in addition to me, there is also a Zhantian Token?" Zhao Chen nodded and said: "Yes, that's right. I just received the news that the one with the Zhantian Token also appeared?" People will arrive at Xilan Valley in a few days. Originally, I planned to arrange for you to challenge in two days, but now it seems that it will be delayed for a few days. Since there are two War Heaven Orders, then you two will be together. Just accept the challenge." Leng Xuan replied: "I have no opinion, I will listen to the arrangement of the owner of the valley."

   Zhao Chen stood up, walked to Leng Xuan's side, and said in a low voice, "Friend Leng Xian, prepare well these few days, the identity of the person here is not simple, and then you should not be compared."

   "Isn't the identity simple?" Leng Xuan thought to himself, now that the Saint Snow Sect and the Candle Dragon Sect in the Half-Immortal Realm have been perished, is the identity of the comer even more powerful than these two major forces? However, no matter what, Zhao Chen's kindness was still accepted by him. After coming out of the hall, Leng Xuan returned to the room alone.

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