Standing under the flower, the refreshing breath also became extremely strong. Leng Xuan took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that the freshness turned into a strong spiritual energy, which slowly circulated in the body. "This is Baise Flower." At this time, Wen Xiyuan said only.

   "Baise Hua?" Leng Xuan nodded secretly as he read the name, the name is indeed worthy of the name. At this moment, Zi Yuan and Zhuo Ming were staring at the Baise Flower, their eyes seemed to freeze, and they couldn't move away.

After a long time, Zi Yuan was the first to come back to his senses and said, "Deacon Wen, where are the seeds of this Baise Flower?" Wen Xiyuan pointed to the Baise Flower suspended in mid-air, and said, "Its seeds are in it. Inside, you have to fetch it yourself." Hearing this, Zhuo Ming immediately said, "I'll come." As soon as he finished speaking, he tapped his toes, rose from the ground, and flew towards the Baise Flower. However, when he approached within one meter of Baise Flower, a splendid light suddenly burst out from around Baise Flower, like a powerful shock wave, knocking his body into the air. Before Zhuo Ming could react, his body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

   "Senior Brother, are you okay?" Seeing Zhuo Ming falling from the air, Zi Yuan hurried over and helped him up from the ground. "I'm fine, Junior Sister." Zhuo Ming stood up, patted the dust on his body, then turned to Wen Xiyuan and said, "Deacon Wen, why is this Baise Hua attacking me?" Wen Xiyuan shook his head and smiled: "You are too much. I'm in a hurry, I haven't finished my words yet. This Baise flower is a rare flower, not to mention the half-immortal domain, it is hard to see even in the immortal domain. And in the half-immortal domain, there is only one Baise flower, this is still It was discovered by the second valley owner of Xilan Valley. This Baise flower only gave birth to a seed in a thousand years. Today, there are three seeds in this Baise flower. However, as the king of flowers, Baise flower, With a certain intellect, it will do everything in its power to protect the seeds it has bred, just like a mother treats her own children."

Hearing this, Zhuo Ming frowned slightly: "So, don't we have no chance to get the seeds?" Wen Xiyuan smiled and said, "You can't say that. In short, you can't be **** it, otherwise , it will definitely resist. Only with its approval can you get the seeds. Therefore, it is up to you to get the seeds." Ziyuan asked: "Deacon Wen, can't you help us get the seeds? "

Wen Xiyuan shook his head and said, "It's not that we won't, but that we can't do it. If we could take it down, we would have taken it long ago." Ziyuan nodded and said, "I understand." At this moment, Zhuo Ming saw To Leng Xuan, who was on the side, said: "Then why did he come here?" Wen Xiyuan glanced at Leng Xuan and said with a smile: "Because of a friend's suggestion, I implore the owner of the valley to let Xian Leng come together, Let's see if he can successfully remove the seed." After a pause, he said to Leng Xuan, "Friend Leng, this Baise Flower seed is a very good thing for Banxian, and it can promote the improvement of cultivation. I've already won the opportunity for you, it's up to you to see if you can succeed."

   "I'll try it." After the words fell, Zi Yuan flew up and came to Baise Hua. She stood cautiously one meter away from Baise, not daring to approach easily.

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